The First 100 Days Of The Next President Will Not Include Cuba

Mr. Patrick Healy, a reporter for The New York Times, has written two front-page articles focusing upon what the first one hundred (100) days of the successor to President Obama would likely entail.  Day one is Friday, 20 January 2017.

From Wikipedia: The first hundred days is a sample of the first 100 days of a first term presidency of a president of the United States.  It is used to measure the successes and accomplishments of a president during the time that their power and influence is at its greatest.  The term was coined in a July 24, 1933, radio address by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, although he was referring to the 100 day session of the 73rd United States Congress between March 9 and June 17, rather than the first 100 days of his administration.

On 4 July 2016, Mr. Healy focused upon Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, in an article "A Second President Clinton? Mapping Out Her First 100 Days."

On 4 May 2016, Mr. Healy focused upon Mr. Donald Trump, the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party, in an article "'President Trump?' Here's How He Says It Would Look"

Mr. Healy has not written about Mr. Gary Johnson, the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party; or Mr. William Kreml and Ms. Jill Stein, who are seeking the presidential nomination of the Green Party.

In neither article published thus far does Mr. Healy reference the Republic of Cuba directly, indirectly, or by those quoted in the respective articles.

For those advocating further statutory changes to United States law and further regulatory changes to United States regulations, there are 200 days remaining for the Obama Administration.  There are unlikely to be statutory changes; there will continue to be regulatory changes.  

The Obama Administration is seeking from United States companies suggestions for further regulatory changes (both new and refinement to existing).  

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Department of the Treasury and Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the United States Department of Commerce have issued to companies expansively-worded licenses (and policy guidance); some licenses have not been publicized, some licenses have been confirmed by companies and some licenses have been implemented by companies.  Further meaningful licensing announcements by companies are forthcoming.

Commercial, economic and political relations with the Republic of Cuba will not be a priority for the next president of the United States.

If United States-based companies have an interest in the Republic of Cuba, they are advised to swiftly seek a license from the OFAC and/or BIS where required.  With the decision-making process of the government of the Republic of Cuba continuing to be lengthy and problematic, companies are advised to create the commercial, economic and political justification for any import, export, or service offering and submit to the OFAC and/or BIS in advance of discussions with representatives of the government of the Republic of Cuba.  In this way, the company is in a position to promptly implement the offering upon approval by the government of the Republic of Cuba as a license expiration (if included) will generally survive through the next Administration.