3 Years Later, What Did NYS Taxpayers Receive From Governor Cuomo's Visit To Cuba?

Three Years Later…. What Did New York State Companies Get For Governor Cuomo’s Estimated US$150,000.00+ 27-Hour Visit To Cuba? 

Was a US$10,000.000 “Advance” Trip Necessary If A Consultant Was Paid US$25,000.00?

What’s Happened- Where’s The Yogurt And Milk And Healthcare Products?

Why No Representatives From PANYNJ, NYSDAM?

Governor Staff To Company Ratio Was More Than 2:1

Why Has He Ignored Financial Institutions?

Three years (1,095 days) ago, The Honorable Andrew Cuomo (D), Governor of the State of New York, embarked on a twenty-seven (27) hour quixotic journey to the Republic of Cuba with a foundation anchored far more upon his focus to be the “first” governor to visit the archipelago since the 17 December 2014 statements by President Barack Obama and President Raul Castro than by his role as the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of the State of New York.  

To date, there have been no published reports of exports of products to the Republic of Cuba from the seven (7) companies participating in the 20 April 2015 to 21 April 2015 visit.

The Governor and his staff have embraced the “planting seeds” analogy… There are few seeds that do not create something within three years.

The planning process and follow-up to the April 2015 visit was the third-least transparent of the twenty-one (21) governors who visited the Republic of Cuba since 1999.  The visits by West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin and Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant were the least transparent.

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