USDOT Authorizes Cargo Flights From United States To Six Airports In Cuba Through 30 November 2021

On 14 July 2021, the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) granted an Emergency Exemption to Skyway Enterprises, Inc. and IBC Airways, Inc. to operate cargo flights from the United States to the Republic of Cuba through 30 November 2021. Swift Air LLC is awaiting authorization.  


“Skyway requests an emergency exemption from Order 2020-8-4, in order to operate up to two weekly all-cargo charter operations to transport humanitarian aid and diplomatic cargo between Miami, Florida, and Havana, Cuba, using small aircraft, from September 29, 2021, to November 30, 2021. Skyway also requests emergency exemption authority to operate up to one weekly all-cargo charter operation to transport humanitarian aid, using small aircraft, from Miami to any of the following additional points in Cuba: Santiago de Cuba, Matanzas/Varadero, Holguin, Santa Clara, and Camagüey, between July 22, 2021, and November 30, 2021.  

In support of its request, Skyway states that the proposed operation is a continuation of its previously approved operation to carry humanitarian aid, and that U.S. officials in Cuba are requesting that Skyway transport diplomatic cargo to the U.S. Embassy in Cuba. Skyway asserts that its proposed operation would satisfy two exceptions noted in Order 2020-8-4, that permit certain charter operations for “emergency medical purposes…, and other travel deemed to be in the interest of the United States.” 

Skyway Enterprises is operating two flights per week. IBC is expected to commence soon.

Background: By Order 2020-8-4, issued August 13, 2020, the Department suspended the authority of all U.S. air carriers and foreign air carriers to provide charter flights between the United States and all airports in Cuba, except for authorized public charters to and from Havana and other authorized charter flights for emergency medical purposes, search and rescue, and other travel deemed to be in the interest of the United States.  The Department issued Order 2020-8-4 at the request of the U.S. Department of State, following the receipt of a letter from then-Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo to then-Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao, stating that:  

To advance the Administration’s policy to strengthen the economic pressure on the Cuban regime as a means to restrict the regime’s ability to repress its people and support the illegitimate Maduro regime in Venezuela, and in the foreign-policy interests of the United States, I respectfully request that the Department of Transportation suspend until further notice all charter flights between the United States and all airports in Cuba over which the Department of Transportation exercises jurisdiction, except for authorized public charters to and from Havana, and other authorized charter flights for emergency medical purposes, search and rescue, and other travel deemed to be in the interest of the United States.  

Accordingly, the Department found that it was in the public interest to suspend the charter authority of all U.S. and foreign carriers to the extent necessary to prohibit charter operations between the United States and Cuba as set forth in the Order.  

Decision: We have decided to grant Skyway’s application for an exemption from Order 2020-8-4 to operate the proposed charter flights. Our action in Order 2020-8-4 suspending carriers’ U.S.-Cuba charter authority was taken at the request of the U.S. Department of State, and it incorporated the Department of State’s language as to permitted exceptions.  

We take note of the assertion made by Skyway that the flights should be permitted under the Order’s exceptions. Those exceptions, as discussed above, were expressly derived from the Department of State letter upon which the DOT suspension action was predicated. Accordingly, we consulted with the Department of State to determine whether they regard the proposed Skyway flights as coming within the Order’s specified exceptions.  

The Department of State provided its view that the application does fall within the Order’s specified exceptions. The Department of State also noted its willingness to review future exemption requests to determine whether proposed flights fall within the scope of its specified exceptions as set forth in DOT’s Order 2020-8-4, namely: emergency medical purposes, search and rescue, and other travel deemed to be in the interest of the United States. Against this background, we find that it would be in the public interest to grant the requested exemption from Order 2020-8-4 to operate the proposed all-cargo charter flights.  

As a final matter, we remind the applicant that a number of significant limitations and requirements remain in place concerning air transportation between Cuba and the United States. Nothing in the Department’s award of authority will relieve any party from complying with all applicable regulations and requirements of other U.S. agencies and with all applicable laws of the United States.  

To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced application. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion.” 


Application of Swift Air, L.L.C. d/b/a iAero Airways for an Emergency Exemption from Orders 2020-5-7 and 2020-8-4 (10 August 2021) 

Application Of Swift Air, L.L.C. D/B/A iAero Airways For An Emergency Exemption And Motion To Shorten Answer Period (6 August 2021) 

USDOT Notice Of Action Taken- Skyway Enterprises, Inc. (23 July 2021) 

USDOT Notice Of Action Taken- Skyway Enterprises, Inc. (14 July 2021) 

Application Of IBC Airways, Inc. For An Emergency Exemption (8 July 2021)

Application Of Swift Air, L.L.C. D/B/A iAero Airways For An Emergency Exemption And Motion To Shorten Answer Period (6 July 2021) 
