U.S. Ag/Food Exports To Cuba Increase .80% In January 2025. Other Exports: US$303,869.00 In Cement; US$1,907,350.00 In Used Vehicles; US$250,920.00 In Motorcycles

March 2025

January 2025 Ag/Food Exports To Cuba Increase .80% - 1
44th Of 203 January 2025 U.S. Food/Ag Export Markets- 2
Cuba Ranked 44th Of 203 U.S. Ag/Food Export Markets - 2
January 2025 Healthcare Product Exports US$479,334.00 - 2
January 2025 Humanitarian Donations US$5,394,610.00 - 3
Obama Administration Initiatives Exports Continue To Increase - 3
U.S. Port Export Data- 19

JANUARY 2025 FOOD/AG EXPORTS TO CUBA INCREASE .80% - Exports of food products and agricultural commodities from the United States to the Republic of Cuba in January 2025 were US$45,532,183.00 compared to US$45,168,873.00 in January 2024 and US$32,394,196.00 in January 2023.


Havana Club Rum Available In Ukraine At Upscale Kyiv And Kharkiv Supermarket.

US$1.00 equals 42.28 Ukrainian Hryvni

Cuba Ranking In 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI): 41/100 And 82/180

“Corruption is blocking progress towards a sustainable world

The 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) shows that corruption is a dangerous problem in every part of the world, but change for the better is happening in many countries.  Research also reveals that corruption is a major threat to climate action. It hinders progress in reducing emissions and adapting to the unavoidable effects of global heating.  The CPI ranks 180 countries and territories worldwide by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. The results are given on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). 

How are country scores calculated?  Each country’s score is a combination of at least 3 data sources drawn from 13 different corruption surveys and assessments. These data sources are collected by a variety of reputable institutions, including the World Bank and the World Economic Forum.  CPI scores do not reflect the views of Transparency International or our staff.

The CPI is the leading measurement for public sector corruption worldwide. Because it combines many different manifestations of corruption into one globally comparable indicator, it provides a more comprehensive picture of the situation in a particular country than each source taken separately. The process for calculating the CPI is regularly reviewed to make sure it is as robust and coherent as possible. This was done most recently by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in 2017.

What is the difference between a country/territory’s rank and its score?  A country’s score is the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0-100, where 0 means highly corrupt and 100 means very clean.  A country's rank is its position relative to the other countries in the index. Ranks can change merely if the number of countries included in the index changes.  The rank is therefore not as important as the score in terms of indicating the level of corruption in that country.  What does it mean if my country’s score has gone up or down?

Small fluctuations or changes in a country’s CPI score are not usually significant, which is why every year in the full table of results [.xlsx], we mark all those countries that have undergone a “statistically significant” change. This is a change which is reflected in a majority of the CPI’s underlying data sources. When only a few data sources register a change, this means that it is not yet clear whether public sector corruption has gone up or down in that country.”

OFAC Makes Changes To Licensing Portal- Easier To Request "Interpretive Guidance"

Important Announcement for Users of OFAC’s License Application Portal.

To improve your experience with the license application process, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has updated its License Application Portal.

In addition to the current application process, the License Application Portal now features an option to establish an account to submit requests for specific licenses or interpretive guidance, or submit reports required by some specific licenses. By registering for an account, applicants will be able to save and return to an application in progress; view a list of their applications and the associated case statuses in a single dashboard; save frequently used contacts for easier data entry; replicate an application; and more. For added security, establishing and accessing an account requires identity verification through ID.me.

Please note that registering for an account is not required to submit an application for a specific license or interpretive guidance. The option to create an account is in addition to the current application process. All applicants may check their application status using their Case ID.

For questions about submitting an application using an account, please contact OFAC’s Licensing Division at (202) 622-2480.

For more information on this specific action, please visit our Recent Actions page.

Launch of OFAC's File Finder Application

Today, OFAC launched its new File Finder application for use on the OFAC website. This browser-based application allows users to search through and efficiently navigate all of OFAC's website content. Putting the user in control, File Finder searches all static content on OFAC's website (PDF documents, word documents, etc.) by document title, document type, and the contents of each document. Searchable content typically includes general licensees, federal register notices, executive orders (and other legal documents), press charts, advisories, specific guidance, as well as many other records. For technical assistance, or if you would like to provide feedback on OFAC's new File Finder application, please contact the OFAC technical support team at O_F_A_C@treasury.gov. For more information on this specific action, please visit our Recent Actions page.

Western Union Reported To Suspend (Again) Currency Delivery Services From United States To Cuba. Will It Seek Another Partner In Cuba? Will Cuba Provide Another Partner In Cuba?

Denver, Colorado-based Western Union Company (2024 revenue approximately US$4.2 billion) has reportedly suspended currency delivery service from the United States to the Republic of Cuba. The company has not published a statement on its Internet site.   

Western Union Statement by email: “We understand our services are critical to providing daily needs for so many living in Cuba. As a global company, we are also required to adhere to the laws and regulations established in the countries we operate in. Due to a change in U.S. sanctions regulations, Western Union is forced to indefinitely suspend its money transfer service between the US and the island, effective immediately. As of this time, there is no timeline for when or if our service will resume. “We are actively working with customers that have active money transfers in our network to provide a refund on the full amount of their transaction. We sincerely apologize to our customers for the inconvenience.”

Links To Related Analyses 

Updated Cuba Restricted (CRL) List Published By United State Department Of State February 06, 2025

Trump Administration Adds Orbit S.A. To Cuba Restricted List- Western Union Must Identify New Partner Or Again Suspend Remittances To Cuba. February 01, 2025

Western Union Resumes Services To Cuba. Continues Prohibition For Commercial Use. May 11, 2024

Arrest Of "Super Mule" In Tampa For Illegally Transporting US$100,000.00 To U.S. From Cuba Not Surprising… May Have Transported US$4.5 Million In Last Nine Months. February 07, 2024

Who Or What Is Delaying Western Union From Authorizing Commercial Transfers From U.S.-Cuba And From Cuba-U.S.? Biden? Diaz-Canel? MSME's Waiting With U.S.-Based Companies And Entrepreneurs April 22, 2023

Western Union Goes National For U.S. Transfers To Cuba.... When Will Cuba Permit U.S. Investment And Financing For MSMEs In Cuba? No Excuse For Delays.  March 03, 2023

Western Union Returns To The Cuba Marketplace; Initial Small Steps Should Lead To Vibrant Funds Transfer Opportunities For MSMEs In Cuba And For U.S. Companies And U.S. Investors January 11, 2023

Has Cuba Provided An Opportunity For Biden-Harris Administration To Renew Electronic Remittance Services? Orbit S.A. In Cuba Now Permitted To Engage. Can It Meet U.S. Conditions? A False-Flag? February 09, 2022

Cuba Could Resolve Western Union's Certified Claim By Waiving Four Months Of Electronic Remittance Transfer Fees. Biden Administration Should Support And Negotiate Certified Claims Settlement. September 17, 2021

If Western Union Ends Remittance Services To Cuba, That Means A Return Of “Mules On Steroids”- The Impact Could Cripple MIA November 16, 2020

Western Union Preparing To End Money Transfers To Cuba On 22 November 2020.... Will Cuba Permit It? November 13, 2020

Cuba Says Western Union's 407 Distribution Points Will Close; Western Union Not Giving Up- 2016 Seems So Long Ago... October 28, 2020

Delta Air Lines & Western Union Plus US$1.15 Million Could Be Keys To Resolving Certified Claims June 04, 2019

Government Of Cuba Response To Trump-Vance Administration Reinstatement Of Libertad Act Title III Lawsuit Statute

The Trump-Pence Administration (2017-2021) on 2 May 2019 made operational Title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996 (known as “Libertad Act”). Title III authorizes lawsuits in United States District Courts against companies and individuals who are using a certified claim or non-certified claim where the owner of the certified claim or non-certified claim has not received compensation from the Republic of Cuba or from a third-party who is using (“trafficking”) the asset. 45 Lawsuits Filed (16 certified claimants & 29 non-certified claimants). LINK To Libertad Act Title III Lawsuit Filing Statistics

HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 2 (ACN) Statement by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

On January 31, 2025, Secretary of State Marco Rubio announced that he apprised U.S. Congress of the revocation of the ban on lawsuits being filed in U.S. courts under Title III of the Helms-Burton Act and the reinstatement of the List of Restricted Cuban Entities, with the addition of the Cuban remittance management enterprise Orbit, S.A., preventing entities or persons in the United States from carrying out transactions on pain of being fined and having their assets frozen.

These are not unexpected actions. They are just further steps to undo the positive, albeit belated, decisions announced by President Joseph Biden on January 14.

This announcement is also likely to precede other measures that the team in charge of the Cuba issue in this government has designed since 2017 to strengthen even more, gratuitously and irresponsibly, the siege laid to Cuba to create new and avoidable scenarios of deterioration and bilateral confrontation.

The goal of these measures is to intimidate foreign investors and prevent them from contributing to Cuba's economic development and to the well-being of the Cuban people through the express threat of being sued in U.S. courts. They also intend to close all sources of external income to the overall Cuban economy; to tamper criminally with the ability of all public and private economic actors to provide goods and services; and to further deteriorate the living standards of the population affected by the blockade and the additional measures imposed during Trump's first term, so as to upset and destabilize society and to try to achieve the often dreamed of but never accomplished purpose of overthrowing the Revolution for purposes of domination and chastisement.

Along with these actions come smear and disinformation campaigns concocted by a powerful machinery of manipulation in digital platforms to discredit Cuba and hold it responsible for the impact of the criminal measures of the U.S. government, so that the world and the people of Cuba do not recognize their executioners.

These are the same politicians who are driven by their commitment to reactionary families and special interest groups in the U.S. and Florida and benefit from the blockade of Cuba by sacrificing the well-being and even threatening the sustenance of the Cuban people. These politicians of today are the same ones behind dozens of additional measures to the blockade that came into effect between 2017 and 2021.

Since the passage of the Helms-Burton Act in 1996 and until 2019, all U.S. presidents, including Trump in the first two years of his previous term, have used executive powers to suspend the application of Title III every six months, aware that it contravenes International Law and the sovereignty of other States and that its application would generate insurmountable obstacles to the prospect that any claim made by Americans over properties legitimately nationalized at the triumph of the Revolution will be settled or any compensation being paid to them.

As a result, around 45 lawsuits have been filed in the courts since 2019, mainly against U.S. companies, which have been forced to spend money, time and energy to defend themselves against what experts deem a legal aberration with even unconstitutional overtones. Among the most significant is the extension of this policy to owners who were not U.S. citizens at the time of the nationalizations and whose alleged ownership has not been certified by anyone.

These measures have nothing to do with the national interest of the United States, or the wishes of a large part of the business community in that country to participate in the Cuban economy. On the contrary, it is linked to the desires of dictator Fulgencio Batista’s political heirs to reconquer Cuba.

It is proof of the corrupt nature of the U.S. government in general and, specifically, of its intention to asphyxiate the Cuban economy, cause harm to our people, and expect that we renounce the sovereign prerogatives whose conquest has cost so many years, efforts and lives.

With the reactivation of Title III, the application of the Helms-Burton Act is once again completed in its entirety, marked as it is by its extreme extraterritorial scope and for violating the norms and principles of International Law, contravening the rules of commerce and international economic relations and being harmful to the sovereignty of other States, mostly because its provisions affect companies and persons established therein. It has been broadly, consistently and almost unanimously rejected by the international community in the United Nations, specialized international bodies and regional organizations alike. Several countries have even enacted domestic laws to deal with the extraterritorial effects of this legislation.

The Government of Cuba reiterates the postulates of the Act on the Reaffirmation of Cuban Dignity and Sovereignty (Act No. 80) and recalls the decision of the Provincial People's Court of Havana on November 2, 1999 to declare the lawsuit against the Government of the United States for Human Damages admissible, sanctioning it to make reparations to and compensate the Cuban people with the amount of 181,100 billion dollars. Subsequently, on May 5, 2000, the Tribunal determined the Economic Damages caused to Cuba and dictated the payment of 121 billion dollars for damages.

Cuba has reiterated its willingness to find a solution to mutual claims and compensations. The Cuban nationalizations were in line with the law and strictly in accordance with both the Cuban Constitution and International Law. All nationalizations provided for fair and adequate compensation which the U.S. government refused to consider. Cuba reached and honored global compensation agreements with other nations that today invest in our country, such as Spain, Switzerland, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and France.

Likewise, the Cuban government denounces and holds the U.S. government responsible for the immediate consequences that the new measure will have throughout the country against the right of Cuban émigrés to send remittances to and help their relatives, who are already suffering too much because of an intensified siege caused by the unjust and fraudulent inclusion of Cuba on the list of alleged State sponsors of terrorism.

Cuba rejects these decisions strenuously, firmly and categorically. We consider them as a new hostile and arrogant act and condemn the disrespectful and slanderous language of the State Department's communiqué, full of lies in an attempt to justify the unjustifiable.

No one will be fooled by their false pretexts to try to justify these and any other future outrage. They will only succeed in reinforcing the isolation and universal rejection of the shameful abusive attitude of U.S. governments toward Cuba and its population.

We call on the international community to side with our people by putting a stop and denouncing this new and dangerous onslaught of aggression that has just begun.

The U.S. authorities might cause great harm with their murderous and cowardly plans and measures, but they will never achieve their main objective of bringing Cuba to its knees in order to subjugate it. Cuba shall overcome!

US Agricultural Commodity/Food Product Exports To Cuba In December 2024 Decrease 7.8%. For Year, Increased 26.5%. Humanitarian Donations Nearly Double 2023.

February 2025

December 2024 Ag/Food Exports To Cuba Decrease 7.8% - 1
48th Of 223 December 2024 U.S. Food/Ag Export Markets- 2
2024 To 2025 Exports Increase 26.5% - 2
Cuba Ranked 49th Of 224 U.S. Ag/Food Export Markets - 2
December 2024 Healthcare Product Exports US$0.00 - 2
2024 Healthcare Product Exports US$342,572.00-
December 2024 Humanitarian Donations US$6,489,230.00 - 3
2024 Humanitarian Donations US$67,828,087.00 -
Obama Administration Initiatives Exports Continue To Increase - 3
U.S. Port Export Data- 19

DECEMBER 2024 FOOD/AG EXPORTS TO CUBA DECREASE 7.8% - Exports of food products and agricultural commodities from the United States to the Republic of Cuba in December 2024 were US$41,700,049.00 compared to US$45,229,570.00 in December 2023 and US$39,393,828.00 in December 2022. 

The data contains information on exports from the United States to the Republic of Cuba- products within the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act (TSREEA) of 2000, Cuban Democracy Act (CDA) of 1992, and regulations implemented (1992 to present) for other products by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Department of the Treasury and Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the United States Department of Commerce.

The TSREEA re-authorized the direct commercial (on a cash basis) export of food products (including branded food products) and agricultural commodities from the United States to the Republic of Cuba, irrespective of purpose. The TSREEA does not include healthcare products, which remain authorized and regulated by the CDA.

The data represents the U.S. Dollar value of product exported from the United States to the Republic of Cuba under the TSREEA, CDA, and other regulations, specifically including products exported from the United States to the re-emerging private sector in the Republic of Cuba.

The data does not include transportation charges, bank charges, or other costs associated with exports; the government of the Republic of Cuba reports unverifiable data that includes transportation charges, bank charges, and other costs.


US$586.5 Million U.S. Exports To Cuba In 2024: US$433.8 Million Commodities/Food Products, U$64.7 Million Vehicles, U$67.1 Million Donations

Total Exports: US$586,499,825.00
Commodity/Food Product Exports: US$433,895,992.00
Vehicles: US$64,747,001.00
Donations: US$67,159,937.00

Total Exports: US$404,375,085.00
Commodity/Food Product Exports: US$342,053,059.00
Vehicles: US$8,594,089.00
Donations: US$36,563,551.00

The data contains information on exports from the United States to the Republic of Cuba- products within the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act (TSREEA) of 2000, Cuban Democracy Act (CDA) of 1992, and regulations implemented (1992 to present) for other products by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Department of the Treasury and Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the United States Department of Commerce.

The TSREEA re-authorized the direct commercial (on a cash basis) export of food products (including branded food products) and agricultural commodities from the United States to the Republic of Cuba, irrespective of purpose. The TSREEA does not include healthcare products, which remain authorized and regulated by the CDA.

The data represents the U.S. Dollar value of product exported from the United States to the Republic of Cuba under the TSREEA, CDA, and other regulations, specifically including products exported from the United States to the re-emerging private sector in the Republic of Cuba.

The data does not include transportation charges, bank charges, or other costs associated with exports; the government of the Republic of Cuba reports unverifiable data that includes transportation charges, bank charges, and other costs.

2024- US$67,159,937.00
2023- US$36,563,551.00
2022- US$30,083,306.00
2021- US$11,074,090.00
2020- US$4,605,055.00
2019- US$7,150,989.00
2018- US$8,998,855.00
2017- US$6,122,601.00
2016- US$4,755,859.00
2015- US$4,619,588.00
2014- US$939,705.00



Updated Cuba Restricted (CRL) List Published By United State Department Of State

“The Department of State is publishing a List of Restricted Entities and Subentities Associated With Cuba (Cuba Restricted List) with which direct financial transactions are generally prohibited under the Cuban Assets Control Regulations (CACR).  The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) generally will deny applications to export or reexport items for use by entities or subentities on the Cuba Restricted List” 

LINK TO COMPLETE LIST (6 February 2025)

Trump Administration Adds Orbit S.A. To Cuba Restricted List- Western Union Must Identify New Partner Or Again Suspend Remittances To Cuba.

“When the Biden-Harris Administration (2021-2025) authorized Denver, Colorado-based Western Union Company (2024 revenue approximately US$4.2 billion) to use Havana, Republic of Cuba government-operated Orbit S.A. as the facilitator for electronic remittance transactions originating from the United States, there was knowledge by the United States Department of State that Orbit S.A. was affiliated with the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) of the Republic of Cuba.  Since the goal was to re-establish electronic remittance transactions as soon as possible, a decision was made to ignore real or otherwise connectivity with FAR.”

United States Department of State
Washington DC
31 January 2025

Within the first two weeks of President Trump’s term, the State Department took decisive action to rescind major last-minute policy changes on Cuba announced by the previous administration on January 14.

The President acted on his first day in office to keep Cuba on the SST list, where it belongs. The Cuban regime has long supported acts of international terrorism.  We call for the regime to end its support for terrorism, and to stop providing food, housing, and medical care to foreign murderers, bombmakers, and hijackers, while Cubans go hungry and lack access to basic medicine.

In a January 29 letter to the appropriate Congressional committees, I withdrew the prior administration’s letter regarding the LIBERTAD Act. The Trump Administration is committed to U.S. persons having the ability to bring private rights of action involving trafficked property confiscated by the Cuban regime.

On January 31, I approved the re-creation of the Cuba Restricted List, which prohibits certain transactions with companies under the control of, or acting for or on behalf of, the repressive Cuban military, intelligence, or security services or personnel.  The State Department is re-issuing the Cuba Restricted List to deny resources to the very branches of the Cuban regime that directly oppress and surveil the Cuban people while controlling large swaths of the country’s economy.  In addition to restoring the entities that were on the list until the final week of the previous administration, we are adding Orbit, S.A., a remittance-processing company operating for or on behalf of the Cuban military.

The State Department promotes accountability for the Cuban regime for oppressing its people and rejects Cuba’s malign interference across the Americas and throughout the world.  We support the Cuban people’s human rights and fundamental freedoms and demand the release of all unjustly detained political prisoners.  Our Embassy in Havana is meeting with families of those unjustly detained, as well as dissidents, so that they know the United States wholeheartedly supports them. We are steadfast in our commitment to the Cuban people and promote accountability for the Cuban regime’s actions.

Links To Related Analyses 

Has Cuba Provided An Opportunity For Biden-Harris Administration To Renew Electronic Remittance Services? Orbit S.A. In Cuba Now Permitted To Engage. Can It Meet U.S. Conditions? A False-Flag? February 09, 2022 

OFAC Authorizes Orbit S.A. In Cuba To Engage In Remittance Transactions- Not On Cuba Restricted List (CRL). Western Union Next Up To Return? November 18, 2022 

Who Or What Is Delaying Western Union From Authorizing Commercial Transfers From U.S.-Cuba And From Cuba-U.S.? Biden? Diaz-Canel? MSME's Waiting With U.S.-Based Companies And Entrepreneurs April 22, 2023

Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals Is Not Preventing Havana Docks Corporation From Appealing To The United States Supreme Court

No. 23-10171- HAVANA DOCKS CORPORATION, Plaintiff-Appellee Cross Appellant, versus ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES, LTD., NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE HOLDINGS, LTD., CARNIVAL CORPORATION, a foreign corporation doing business as Carnival Cruise Lines, MSC CRUISES S.A. CO., MSC CRUISES (USA), INC., et al., Defendants-Appellants Cross Appellees. 

01/08/2025- REPLY to RESPONSE to [83] filed by Appellee Havana Docks Corporation. [23-10151] (ECF: Christopher Landau) [Entered: 01/08/2025 01:29 PM]

01/23/2025- ORDER: The motion of Havana Docks Corporation to stay the issuance of the mandate pending a petition for writ of certiorari is GRANTED to and including March 20, 2025... [82] [10366180-2] ENTERED FOR THE COURT - BY DIRECTION. (See attached order for complete text) [23-10151, 23-10171] [Entered: 01/23/2025 08:35 AM] 

“ORDER: The motion of Havana Docks Corporation to stay the issuance of the mandate pending a petition for writ of certiorari is GRANTED to and including March 20, 2025, the stay to continue in force until the final disposition of the case by the Supreme Court, provided that within the above-mentioned period there shall be filed with the Clerk of this Court the certificate of the Clerk of the Supreme Court that the certiorari petition has been filed. The Clerk shall issue the mandate upon the filing of a copy of an order of the Supreme Court denying the writ, or upon expiration of the stay granted herein, unless the above-mentioned certificate shall be filed with the Clerk of this Court within that time."

Link: Reply In Support Of Motion For Order Granting Or Confirming The District Court’s Discretion To Address On Remand Costs Taxable In The District Court Under Federal Rule Of Appellate Procedure 39(E)

Link: Order Of The Court

Link To Related Analyses 

Cruise Lines Request 11th Circuit Court Of Appeals To Return Libertad Act Title III Lawsuit To District Court. Defendants Argue Supreme Court Unlikely To Agree To Hear Appeal By Plaintiff. Jan 3, 2025  

U.S. Ag/Food Exports To Cuba Increased 37.4% In November; Up 31.8% Year Thus Far. US$2.9 Million In Vehicle Exports. US$57.4 Million In Vehicle Exports Thus Far In 2024.

January 2025

November 2024 Ag/Food Exports To Cuba Increase 37.4% - 1
48th Of 223 November 2024 U.S. Food/Ag Export Markets- 2
Year-To-Year Exports Increase 31.8% - 2
Cuba Ranked 49th Of 223 U.S. Ag/Food Export Markets - 2
November 2024 Healthcare Product Exports US$176,419.00 - 2
November 2024 Humanitarian Donations US$6,350,097.00 - 3
Obama Administration Initiatives Exports Continue To Increase - 3
U.S. Port Export Data- 19

NOVEMBER 2024 FOOD/AG EXPORTS TO CUBA INCREASE 37.4% - Exports of food products and agricultural commodities from the United States to the Republic of Cuba in November 2024 were US$39,384,920.00 compared to US$28,643,992.00 in November 2023 and US$33,085,677.00 in November 2022.

The data contains information on exports from the United States to the Republic of Cuba- products within the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act (TSREEA) of 2000, Cuban Democracy Act (CDA) of 1992, and regulations implemented (1992 to present) for other products by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Department of the Treasury and Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the United States Department of Commerce.

The TSREEA re-authorized the direct commercial (on a cash basis) export of food products (including branded food products) and agricultural commodities from the United States to the Republic of Cuba, irrespective of purpose. The TSREEA does not include healthcare products, which remain authorized and regulated by the CDA.

The data represents the U.S. Dollar value of product exported from the United States to the Republic of Cuba under the TSREEA and CDA. The data does not include transportation charges, bank charges, or other costs associated with exports; the government of the Republic of Cuba reports unverifiable data that includes transportation charges, bank charges, and other costs.

January 2024 through November 2024 TSREEA exports were US$391,962,167.00 compared to January 2023 through November 2023 TSREEA exports of US$297,377,457.00.

Total TSREEA exports since first deliveries in December 2001 exceed US$7,638,295,560.00

Other products exported from the United States to the Republic of Cuba in October 2024 include:  

Used Vehicle (1500cc-3000cc)- US$3,989,435.00  
Used Vehicle (1500cc-3000cc) 2024 Exports- US$48,733,037.00
New Vehicle (+3000cc) 2024 Exports- US$4,566,028.00



In First Hours, President Trump Reverses President Biden's 14 January 2025 Cuba Decisions.

“Anyone foolish enough to believe President Trump would not reverse the decisions of President Biden believes that Captain Louis Renault in the movie ‘Casablanca’ did not know that gambling was happening at Rick's Cafe.”

The White House
Washington DC
20 January 2025

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: 

Section 1.  Purpose and Policy.  The previous administration has embedded deeply unpopular, inflationary, illegal, and radical practices within every agency and office of the Federal Government.  The injection of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) into our institutions has corrupted them by replacing hard work, merit, and equality with a divisive and dangerous preferential hierarchy.  Orders to open the borders have endangered the American people and dissolved Federal, State, and local resources that should be used to benefit the American people.  Climate extremism has exploded inflation and overburdened businesses with regulation.

To commence the policies that will make our Nation united, fair, safe, and prosperous again, it is the policy of the United States to restore common sense to the Federal Government and unleash the potential of the American citizen.  The revocations within this order will be the first of many steps the United States Federal Government will take to repair our institutions and our economy. 

Sec. 2.  Revocation of Orders and Actions.  The following executive actions are hereby revoked: 

The Presidential Memorandum of January 14, 2025 (Certification of Rescission of Cuba’s Designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism). 

The Presidential Memorandum of January 14, 2025 (Revocation of National Security Presidential Memorandum 5). 

From Politico: “Notably, the Trump administration did not reverse the Biden administration’s decision to suspend Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, a provision that was designed to allow Cuban exiles to file suit against Havana for property and assets seized during the Cuban Revolution but has since been mainly used by multinational corporations.”

  • “Suspension becomes effective fourteen days after notification to the United States Congress. The Biden-Harris Administration provided the notification on 14 January 2025 so the effective date would be 29 January 2025 (do not count the day of notification). The Trump-Vance Administration may rescind the suspension immediately upon notification to the United States Congress.”

Links To Related Analyses 

Certification of Rescission of Cuba’s Designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism Jan 14, 2025

Biden-Harris Administration Eliminates Cuba Restricted List. Companies Expect Trump-Vance Administration To Reinstate It. Jan 14, 2025

Biden-Harris Administration Suspends Cuba Lawsuits Using Title III Of Libertad Act Of 1996. Impact Limited. Jan 14, 2025

Cuba Using Word “Banned” Is Grossly Misleading. $400+ Million In Commodity/Food Exports, $50 Million In Vehicle Exports, Authorized Investment/Financing Into Private Companies Attests Jan 15, 2025  

Cuba Using Word “Banned” Is Grossly Misleading. $400+ Million In Commodity/Food Exports, $50 Million In Vehicle Exports, Authorized Investment/Financing Into Private Companies Attests

Cuba Government Statement Using Word “Banned” Is Grossly Misleading- As More Than US$400 Million In Agricultural Commodity/Food Product Exports In 2024, US$50 Million In Vehicle Exports In 2024, Authorized Investment/Financing Into Privately-Owned Companies Since 2022, And Bank Account Permissions Attests 

The Diaz-Canel-Valdes Mesa Administration (2018- ) unnecessarily embraces awkward and thus misleading sentence structure when describing the existence of commercial, economic, and financial connectivity with the private sector in the United States.     

  • On the other hand, U.S. citizens, companies and subsidiaries of U.S. corporations are banned from trading with Cuba or Cuban entities, with very restricted and regulated exceptions.” 


Links To Related Analyses 

Biden-Harris Administration Approves First Equity Investment Since 1960 In A Private Cuban Company May 10, 2022 

With U.S. Government Authorization For First Direct Equity Investment Into A Private Company In Cuba, Here Is Important Context And Details.  About The Parties; About The Message. May 16, 2022      

Biden Administration Will Use Cuba's Authorization Of SMSE's As Means To Expand Support For Cuba Private Sector- U.S. Investments And Loans May Be Next June 02, 2021 

Coffee & Charcoal Have Been Imported From Cuba; U.S. Companies Want More. Agricultural Commodities/Food Products/Healthcare Products Have Been Exported To Cuba; U.S. Companies Want More. October 02, 2021 

In A First... Private Company In Cuba Wins US$85,004.63 Default Judgement Against Miami Food Exporter. Dec 28, 2024

OFAC Updates Reporting Requirement For Legal Services Payments Originating Outside Of The United States. Dec 21, 2024

Huddleston, Rhodes, Others In Letter To President Biden Ignore Reality About Cuba OFAC Licensing. Ill-Conceived. Il-Timed. Uninformed. Dec 21, 2024

Penicillin G Amidase Exported From U.S. To Cuba. October 2024 Ag/Food Exports Increase 161.2%. First Cane Sugar, Dog/Cat Food, Frozen Crustaceans, Coffee/Tea Makers, Cane Furniture, Forklifts Nov 14, 2024

Sorry, Cuba Deputy Foreign Minister- Chewing Gum Is Candy And Candy Is Exported From U.S. To Cuba- Along With Sugar, Chocolate, Puddings, Cookies, Waffles, Ice Cream, Peanut Butter, Tequila, Pet Food Nov 26, 2024

Why Is Cuba Deputy Foreign Minister Lying, Misleading, And Misstating Commercial Relationship With U.S.? Isn’t He Supposed To Encourage, Nurture, And Support It? Nov 24, 2024  

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Havana, Republic of Cuba
15 January 2025

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba

On January 14, 2025, the U.S. government announced the decision to: 1) remove Cuba from the State Department's list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism; 2) make use of the presidential prerogative to prevent legal action in U.S. courts regarding lawsuits filed under Title III of the Helms-Burton Act; and 3) eliminate the list of Cuban entities banned from engaging in financial transactions with U.S. citizens and institutions, which has had fallout on third countries.

Despite its limited nature, this is a right decision in line with the sustained and firm demand of the government and people of Cuba, and with the broad, emphatic and reiterated call of many governments, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, Cubans living abroad, political, religious and social organizations, and countless political figures in the United States and other countries. The government of Cuba thanks everyone for their contribution and sensitivity.

This decision puts an end to specific coercive measures that, along with many others, cause serious damage to the Cuban economy, with severe effects on the population. This is and has been an issue in Cuba's official meetings with the U.S. government.

It is important to point out that the economic blockade and many of the dozens of coercive measures imposed since 2017 to reinforce it are still in effect and remain fully extraterritorial in nature, in violation of International Law and the human rights of all Cubans.

To cite just a few examples, the illegal and aggressive persecution continues against fuel supplies that Cuba has a legitimate right to import. The cruel and absurd persecution of Cuba's legitimate international medical cooperation agreements with other countries continues, threatening to deprive millions of people of health services and limiting the potential of Cuba's public health system. Cuba's international financial transactions or those of anyone related to Cuba are still prohibited and subject to reprisals, and merchant ships docking in Cuba also remain under threat.

On the other hand, U.S. citizens, companies and subsidiaries of U.S. corporations are banned from trading with Cuba or Cuban entities, with very restricted and regulated exceptions.

Harassment, intimidation and threats against nationals from any country who intend to trade with or invest in Cuba continue to be official U.S. policy. Cuba is still a destination that the U.S. government prohibits its citizens from visiting.

The economic war remains and persists in posing the main obstacle to the development and recovery of the Cuban economy at a high human cost to the population, and continues to be a stimulus to emigrate.

The decision announced today by the United States corrects, in a very restricted way, aspects of a cruel and unjust policy. It occurs now, on the verge of a change of government, when it should have been made years ago as an elementary act of justice, without demanding anything in return or fabricating excuses to justify inaction, if doing the right thing were the intention. In order to exclude Cuba from the arbitrary list of State sponsors of terrorism, it should have been enough to acknowledge the truth, the total lack of reasons for such designation and the exemplary performance of our country in the fight against terrorism, which even U.S. government agencies have admitted.

It is known that the U.S. government could reverse in the future the measures adopted today, as it has done in the past through decisions revealing of the poor legitimacy, ethics, consistency and rightfulness in terms of its Cuba policy.

To do so, U.S. politicians do not usually refrain from arguing honest justifications as long as the vision described in 1960 by the then Assistant Secretary of State Lester Mallory and the goal that he described of subduing the Cubans by means of economic siege, misery, hunger and desperation remains in force. They would not justify anything as long as their government continues to be incapable of recognizing and accepting Cuba's right to self-determination and as long as it continues to be willing to assume the political cost of international isolation caused by its genocidal and illegal policy of economic asphyxiation against Cuba.

Cuba will keep fighting and denouncing this policy of economic warfare, the interference programs and the disinformation and smear campaigns financed every year with tens of millions of dollars from the U.S. federal budget. It will also remain willing to develop a relationship of respect with that country, based on dialogue and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, despite differences.


Biden-Harris Administration Eliminates Cuba Restricted List. Companies Expect Trump-Vance Administration To Reinstate It.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Steps to Support the Cuban People

Since the beginning of the Biden-Harris Administration, United States’ policy towards Cuba has focused on empowering the Cuban people to freely determine their own future, and advancing respect for human rights.  This singular purpose has guided our policies to reunify Cuban families, strengthen cultural and educational ties between Cuba and the United States, enable remittances to flow more freely to the Cuban people, and increase support for independent Cuban entrepreneurs.

In that spirit, we are taking several steps to support the Cuban people as part of an understanding with the Catholic Church under the leadership of Pope Francis and improve the livelihood of Cubans.  First, today we notified Congress that President Biden determined Cuba should no longer be designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism.  Secondly, we notified Congress that the President issued a waiver for Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, otherwise known as the Libertad Act, for a period of six months.  Finally, President Biden rescinded the 2017 National Security Presidential Memorandum 5 on Cuba policy to eliminate the so-called “restricted list” and by extension the additional regulations on engagement by U.S. persons and entities with Cuban persons and entities, beyond that which is currently prescribed in U.S. legislation.  We have also been informed by the Catholic Church that the Cuban government will soon begin releasing a substantial number of political prisoners.

In taking these steps to bolster the ongoing dialogue between the government of Cuba and the Catholic Church, President Biden is also honoring the wisdom and counsel that has been provided to him by many world leaders, especially in Latin America, who have encouraged him to take these actions, on how best to advance the human rights of the Cuban people.  We take these steps in appreciation of the Catholic Church’s efforts to facilitate Cuba to take its own, constructive measures to restore liberty to its citizens and enable conditions that improve the livelihood of Cubans.

Biden-Harris Administration Suspends Cuba Lawsuits Using Title III Of Libertad Act Of 1996. Impact Limited.

Letter to the Chairmen and Chair of Certain Congressional Committees on the Suspension of the Right to Bring an Action Under Title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996

Dear Mr. Chairman: (Dear Madam Chair:)

Consistent with section 306(c)(1)(B) of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-114) (the “Act”), I hereby determine that suspension for 6 months beyond January 29, 2025, of the right to bring an action under Title III of the Act is necessary to the national interests of the United States and will expedite a transition to democracy in Cuba.

Sincerely, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.


Certification of Rescission of Cuba’s Designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism

January 14, 2025
Presidential Actions
Certification of Rescission of Cuba’s Designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Pursuant to the Constitution and the laws of the United States, and consistent with sections 1754(c) and 1768(c) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (50 U.S.C. 4813(c) and 4826(c)), I hereby certify with respect to the rescission of the determination of January 12, 2021, regarding Cuba that:  (i)  The Government of Cuba has not provided any support for international terrorism during the preceding 6-month period; and (ii)  The Government of Cuba has provided assurances that it will not support acts of international terrorism in the future.

This certification shall also satisfy the provisions of section 620A(c)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2371(c)(2)), section 40(f)(1)(B) of the Arms Export Control Act, Public Law 90-629, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2780 (f)(1)(B)), and, to the extent applicable, section 6(j)(4)(B) of the Export Administration Act of 1979, Public Law 96-72, as amended (50 U.S.C. App.2405(j)), and as continued in effect by Executive Order 13222 of August 17, 2001.


Memorandum on the Revocation of National Security Presidential Memorandum 5

                  SECURITY AFFAIRS

SUBJECT: Revocation of National Security Presidential Memorandum 5

The United States maintains as the core objective of our policy the need for more freedom and democracy, improved respect for human rights, and increased free enterprise in Cuba.  Achieving these goals will require practical engagement with Cuba and the Cuban people beyond what is outlined in NSPM-5, and that takes into account recent developments in Cuba and the changing regional and global context. Accordingly, I hereby revoke NSPM-5.  

Section 1.  Revocation.  NSPM-5 is hereby revoked.  Accordingly, the Secretary of State shall immediately rescind the list developed in accordance with Section 3(a)(i) of NSPM-5, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall initiate a process to adjust current regulations as a result of this revocation of NSPM-5.  

Sec. 2.  General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect: (i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or (ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.  (b)  This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.  (c)  This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.   


2nd Circuit Court Of Appeals Issues Setback In Libertad Act Title III Cuba Lawsuit Against Societe Generale And PNB Paribas.

“The principal issue on this consolidated appeal is whether 22 U.S.C. § 6084, the time bar provision of the Helms-Burton Act, Pub. L. No. 104-114, 110 Stat. 785 (1996), is a statute of repose or a statute of limitations.

Plaintiffs are successors-in-interest to assets seized by the Cuban regime many decades ago. In 1996, Congress created a private cause of action for United States nationals against "any person" who "traffics" in that "confiscated" property, 22 U.S.C. § 6082(a)(1)(A), by passing the Helms-Burton Act.  Yet, no action could be brought until May 2019 because, until then, every President used his authority under the Act to suspend the private right of action. See 22 U.S.C.§ 6085(c)(1)-(2). When the plaintiffs ultimately brought suit against BNP Paribas, S.A. and Societe Generale, S.A., the banks moved to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(1 ), (2), and (6) on, inter alia, the grounds that the plaintiffs lacked Article III standing, that most of their allegations were time-barred under section 6084, and that the timely allegations failed to plausibly allege trafficking as defined by section 6023(13)(A).

For the reasons that follow, we conclude that (1) the plaintiffs have Article III standing, but (2) their allegations predating the filing of their respective complaints by two years or more are untimely because section 6084 is a statute of repose, and no basis for tolling the time bar exists, and (3) the remaining allegations fail to plausibly allege a violation of the Helms-Burton Act.  We therefore AFFIRM the judgments of the district courts.”

Link To 51-Page Court Opinion In PDF Format 

30th Libertad Act Title III Lawsuit Filed- This One Against Societe Generale And BNP Paribas, Both Of France, May Have Found Jurisdiction In New York December 02, 2020 

Societe Generale Wins Dismissal Of One Of Two Libertad Act Lawsuits. Plaintiff Expected To Appeal New York Ruling. January 05, 2022 

Societe Generale And BNP Paribas Argue That Plaintiffs Should Not "be exempted from the cut-off based on a purported policy argument they profess to glean from legislative history." May 11, 2021 

Societe Generale And BNP Paribas File Motion To Dismiss In Libertad Act Lawsuit- "Frustration Of Purpose Theory" Fails October 07, 2020

Cruise Lines Request 11th Circuit Court Of Appeals To Return Libertad Act Title III Lawsuit To District Court. Defendants Argue Supreme Court Unlikely To Agree To Hear Appeal By Plaintiff.

The four cruise line defendants in Libertad Act Title III lawsuit filed by Havana Docks Corporation have requested the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals not delay remanding the lawsuit to the United States District Court where it was filed. In December 2024, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request by Havana Docks Corporation for an en banc (full court) hearing.

10/22/2024    Judgment entered as to Appellant RCL in 23-10151, Appellant-Cross Appellee RCL in 23-10171. [23-10151, 23-10171
11/04/2024    Bill of costs filed by Attorney Paul D. Clement for Appellant RCL. [23-10151] (ECF: Paul Clement)
11/05/2024    Signed Approved Bill of costs filed by Attorney Paul D. Clement for Appellant RCL.
11/12/2024    Petition for rehearing en banc (with panel rehearing) filed by Appellee Havana Docks Corporation. [23-10151] (ECF: Christopher Landau)
11/13/2024    Received Four paper copies of E-PFR filed by Appellee-Cross Appellant Havana Docks Corporation in 23-10171.
12/20/2024    ORDER: The Petition(s) for Rehearing are DENIED and no Judge in regular active service on the Court having requested that the Court be polled, the Petition(s) for Rehearing En Banc filed by Appellee Havana Docks Corporation are DENIED.
12/26/2024    MOTION to stay mandate filed by Havana Docks Corporation. Motion is Opposed. [82] [23-10151] (ECF: Christopher Landau)
12/31/2024    MOTION Order granting or confirming district court's discretion to address on remand costs taxable in the district court under Fed. R. App. P. 39(e) filed by Havana Docks Corporation. Motion is Opposed.
12/31/2024    RESPONSE to to stay mandate filed by Appellee Havana Docks Corporation [82] filed by Attorney Paul D. Clement for Appellant RCL. [23-10151] (ECF: Paul Clement)
01/02/2025    REPLY to RESPONSE to to stay mandate [82] filed by Appellee Havana Docks Corporation. [23-10151] (ECF: Christopher Landau)

Links To Filings
Reply In Support Of Motion To Stay The Mandate Pending
Joint Opposition To Motion To Stay The Mandate
Motion To Stay The Mandate Pending The Filing Of A Timely

11th Circuit Court Of Appeals Denies Rehearing In Havana Docks Libertad Act Lawsuit Against Four Cruise Lines. Next And Final Stop Would Be U.S. Supreme Court. Dec 22, 2024