United States Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack To Visit Cuba

The Honorable Thomas Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture, will visit the Republic of Cuba from 11 November 2015 to 14 November 2015.  He will be accompanied by United States Senator Jeff Merkley (D- Oregon), and three Members of the United States House of Representatives- Terri Sewell (D- Alabama), Susan DelBene (D- Washington) and Kurt Schrader (D- Oregon).

“This trip will be an opportunity to support the administration’s commitment to normalizing relations and empowering the Cuban people through bilateral agricultural engagement,” Vilsack says in a news release.

“Food and agricultural goods are the dominant U.S. exports to Cuba and agriculture can serve as a bridge to foster cooperation, understanding and the exchange of ideas," he says. "Expanding markets for American agriculture has been a priority for this administration, and relationships like the one we aim to build with Cuba are crucial to continuing the momentum we have seen over the past six years."