Cuba's Visitors Increase- Tourists & Non-Tourists.... And Their Money Is Welcomed

The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Cuba (MINTUR) reported a total of 3,524,779 visitors in 2015 compared to 3,002,745 tourist arrivals in 2014, representing an increase of 17%. 

Jose Marti International Airport (HAV) in the city of Havana, Republic of Cuba, received 1,685,381 arrivals in 2015, representing an increase of 21% compared to 2014.

HAV received 48% of all arrivals in 2015, with passengers originating primarily from the countries of the United States, France, Italy, Mexico, Spain, the United Kingdom and Germany.

According to MINTUR, more than 450,000 United States citizens/United States residents (presumably meaning individuals of Cuban descent visiting family in the Republic of Cuba) were among the 3,524,779 total visitors to the Republic of Cuba in 2015.   According to the United States Department of State, there were approximately 700,000 "United States visitors" to the Republic of Cuba in 2015 (540,000 individuals of Cuban descent and 160,000 not related to family-visits).

In 2015, MINTUR reported 161,233 visitors from the United States; this number excluded individuals of Cuban descent (with or without Republic of Cuba-issued passports) who visited the country.

For The First Four Months Of 2016

From 1 January 2016 to 9 May 2016, 51,458 United States citizens (not including individuals of Cuban descent visiting family) visited the Republic of Cuba, compared to 37,459 during the same period in 2015. 

From 1 January 2016 to 9 May 2016, 38,476 United States citizens (not including individuals of Cuban descent visiting family) visitors traveled directly from the United States to the Republic of Cuba, compared to 29,213 during the same period in 2015.

From 1 January 2016 to 9 May 2016, 12,982 United States citizens (not including individuals of Cuban descent visiting family) arrived to the Republic of Cuba through third countries, compared to 8,246 during the same period in 2015.  Transit countries included Mexico, the Bahamas, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.

MINTUR reports that there are approximately three hundred (300) hotels within the Republic of Cuba, ranging from one star to five star with most being one star to three star, with a approximately 62,000 to 66,000 rooms (an inconsistent number of rooms are often out of service due to maintenance issues).

For The First 6 Months Of 2016

United States citizens (not including individuals of Cuban descent visiting family) visiting the Republic of Cuba increased 84% (also reported as 89.3%) for the period 1 January 2016 to 31 June 2016 compared to the same period in 2015.

Total global visitor arrivals for the period 1 January 2016 to 31 June 2016 were 2,147,600, an increase of 11.7% compared to the same period in 2015.  Significant increases were reported from countries including Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain.

Total United States citizens (including individuals of Cuban descent visiting family) visiting the Republic of Cuba for the period 1 January 2016 to 31 June 2016 were approximately 304,000, representing an increase of 24% compared to the same period in 2015.  United States citizens represented the second-largest country source of visitors (after Canada) thus far in 2016.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba reported 138,000 "Americans" visited the Republic of Cuba during the period 1 January 2016 through 31 June 2016.

US$660 Million Impact

For calendar year 2016, visitors (excluding individuals of Cuban descent with or without Republic of Cuba-issued passports) from the United States to the Republic of Cuba could exceed 301,000 with the introduction of regularly-scheduled commercial flights which will increase frequency, destinations, and lower pricing and continuation of cruise ship operations (which are expected to increase).

The gross economic impact to the Republic of Cuba by the 301,000 visitors would exceed US$660 million (landing fees, cruise ship fees, cruise ship passenger expenditures, baggage fees, visa fees, ground transportation, hotels, meals, tours, sundries, gifts, gratuities, etc.).