One Year Anniversary Since Re-Establishment Of Diplomatic Relations.... What Are The Results?

On 20 July 2015, the United States and the Republic of Cuba re-established formal diplomatic relations.

More than one hundred sixty (160) representatives of the United States Government have visited the Republic of Cuba.

More than eighty (80) representatives of the government of the Republic of Cuba have visited the United States.

During the last twelve months, four (4) governors, eleven (11) members of the United States Senate and forty-two members of the United States House of Representatives have visited the Republic of Cuba.

President Barack Obama visited the Republic of Cuba in March 2016.

One year into the change in relationship, there have been structural changes in the commercial, economic and political relationship.

One year into the change in relationship, there have been symbolic changes in the commercial, economic and political relationship.

REPORT: What Have The Governments Of The United States And Republic Of Cuba Agreed To Or Done, Or Not (Yet) Done Since 17 December 2014