US Signs Search & Rescue Binding Agreement With Cuba; MINREX Confirms Before US

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba
Havana, Republic of Cuba

"CUBA, January 18, 2017.- On Wednesday, January 18, the "Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Cuba and the Government of the United States of America on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue" was signed. His signature was in charge of the deputy minister of Transportation, Marta Oramas Rivero, and the charge d'affaires a.i. Of the United States Embassy in Havana, Jeffrey DeLaurentis.

The objective of this legally binding instrument is to strengthen cooperation in aeronautical and maritime search and rescue. In this sense, it will allow the coordinated action of both countries in assisting people in danger, as a result of air or sea events.

Such cooperation could include joint exercises, periodic checks of communication channels, reciprocal visits by experts and exchange of information.

The signing of this agreement ratifies the importance that Cuba grants to the search and rescue aeronautical and maritime of people in danger, and constitutes a positive step for the improvement of the relations between the two countries. (Cubaminrex-MITRANS website)"

United States Department of State
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC

"Today, the United States and Cuba signed a bilateral agreement to strengthen cooperation in the field of maritime and aeronautical search and rescue. The agreement aims to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in assisting persons in distress and to act in furtherance of obligations under international law.

The agreement provides for cooperation and coordination between the United States and Cuba in assisting persons in distress at sea, subject to each country’s respective domestic laws.

Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Jeffrey DeLaurentis, signed the agreement on behalf of the United States, and Deputy Minister of Transportation Marta Oramas Rivero signed for the Republic of Cuba."
