Rex Tillerson, Nominee For Secretary Of State, Submits Written Answers To Cuba Questions; Channels Speaker Ryan From June 2016

Written Question: Will you work with the Treasury Department to ensure that no revenue from American businesses goes directly toward supporting the Cuban military and the regime?

Mr. Rex Tillerson: Yes, if I am confirmed.

NOTE: On 9 June 2016, The Honorable Paul Ryan (R-WI), Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, issued a statement entitled, "Achieving U.S. Security Through Leadership & Liberty"

The second paragraph of the document included this sentence: "A first step should be to ban financial transactions with the Cuban military."

Committee on Foreign Relations
United States Senate
Washington, DC

Written answers by Mr. Rex Tillerson, nominee to be United States Secretary of State, as published by the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Question: Despite the Obama Administration’s controversial and misguided decision to normalize relations with Cuba and its hope that this could lead to improved governance and human rights, Cuban officials continue to arrest dissidents and violate the rights of citizens, and tourism revenues benefit only government officials and a small minority of the population. How do you plan to approach the United States’ relationship with Cuba? How will you support human rights defenders and democracy activists in Cuba? What bilateral and/or multilateral pressure will you exert to lessen authoritarian rule in Cuba?

Tillerson: If confirmed, I will engage with Cuba but continue to press for reform of its oppressive regime. I will support human rights defenders and democracy activists in Cuba, empower civil society, defend freedom of expression, and promote improved Internet access and I will ask our allies to do the same.

Will you continue to support programs that promote democratic voices and initiatives in Cuba like Radio and TV Marti?

Yes, if I am confirmed.

What steps will you take to pressure the Castro regime to return American political fugitives like New Jersey cop-killer Joanne Chesimard?

If confirmed, I will engage bilaterally and multilaterally to bring these fugitives to justice.

Will you work with the Treasury Department to ensure that no revenue from American businesses goes directly toward supporting the Cuban military and the regime?

Yes, if I am confirmed.

NOTE: On 9 June 2016, The Honorable Paul Ryan (R-WI), Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, issued a statement entitled, "Achieving U.S. Security Through Leadership & Liberty"  The second paragraph of the document included this sentence: "A first step should be to ban financial transactions with the Cuban military."

What steps will you take to encourage the government of Cuba to release political prisoners, artists, journalists, and other Cubans being detained for politically-motivated reasons?

If confirmed, I will press Cuba to meet its pledge to become more democratic and consider placing conditions on trade or travel policies to motivate the release of political prisoners.

What steps will you take to promote judicial reform in Cuba?

I will work bilaterally and multilaterally to identify training and technical assistance opportunities to assist with judicial reform, if I am confirmed.

On October 12, 2016, PEOTUS Donald Trump stated, “The people of Cuba have struggled too long. Will reverse Obama’s Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored.” Do you stand by PEOTUS Trump’s commitment to reverse the Obama Administration’s Cuba regulations until freedoms are restored on the island?

Yes. There will be a comprehensive review of current policies and executive orders regarding Cuba to determine how best to pressure Cuba to respect human rights and promote democratic changes.

On October 14, 2016, VPEOTUS Mike Pence reiterated this commitment by stating, “When Donald Trump and I take to the White House, we will reverse Barack Obama’s executive orders on Cuba.” Do you stand by VPEOTUS Pence’s commitment to reverse the Obama Administration’s Cuba regulations?

Yes, if I am confirmed.