US Exports To Cuba Increase 101%; More Than US$700,000.00 In Agricultural Equipment

January 2018

November 2017 Food/Ag Exports To Cuba Increased 101%- 1
2017 Exports Will Exceed 2016 Exports- 2
Healthcare Product Exports US$246,735.00- 2
Humanitarian Donations US$883,776.00- 2
Obama Administration Initiatives Exports Substantially Increase- 3
John Deere Exports 86 Metric Tons Of Equipment Valued At US$755,823.00- 3
U.S. Port Export Data- 14
Speaking Schedule- 16

OBAMA ADMINISTRATION INITIATIVES EXPORTS SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE- In 2015 and in 2016, the OFAC and BIS expanded the list of products authorized for export from the United States and from third countries of the Republic of Cuba with a focus upon products (non-durable, durable and consumable) to entities not affiliated with the government of the Republic of Cuba; the government of the Republic of Cuba has generally prohibited these exports.  The one United States company with two hotel management contracts, the five United States airlines servicing United States-Republic of Cuba routes, and the two United States companies with agricultural equipment distribution centers have (are) also imported equipment.

In November 2017, US$921,996.00 in products for use at the hotels, for the airlines and at the agricultural product distribution centers (US$755,823.00 of the total) were exported to the Republic of Cuba.    

January 2017 through November 2017 exports were US$248,703,676.00.  Exports for 2016 were US$232,064,645.00.