Crowley Transports US$2.9 Million In Steam Turbine Parts To Cuba For GE Contract

In December 2017, Boston, Massachusetts-based General Electric (GE; 2017 revenues exceeded US$122 billion) delivered from the United States to the Republic of Cuba "parts for steam turbines" valued at US$2,935,515.00 with a weight of approximately 11 metric tons.

The parts traveled from Atlanta, Georgia, to Port Everglades, Florida, then to Port Mariel in the Republic of Cuba.  Jacksonville, Florida-based Crowley Liner Services provided the transportation from the United States to the Republic of Cuba.

A data-input error in the report issued by Newark, New Jersey-based PIERS identified the December 2017 shipment as "INST ETC FOR PHYSICAL ETC ANAL ETC; MICROTOME; PTS" with a weight of eleven (11) metric tons.

The United States Bureau of the Census, within the United States Department of Commerce, identified the December 2017 shipment as "From Miami District to the Republic of Cuba; Parts For Steam Turbines; US$2,935,515.00."

GE is the largest (by revenue) United States-based company to have engaged with the Republic of Cuba. 

Although GE has not issued a media release relating to the project in the Republic of Cuba, in 2017 the government of the Republic of Cuba confirmed in a PowerPoint presentation used by the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Washington DC that the company was providing parts and equipment for a power plant.  The total value of the project has not been reported. 

The steam turbine parts are for use at the Republic of Cuba government-operated 330mw Antonio Guiteras power plant located in Matanzas Province under a contract between GE and Republic of Cuba government-operated Union Electrica (UNE).

The Obama Administration authorized the transactions by GE as primarily advancing benefit to the citizens of the Republic of Cuba rather than to the government of the Republic of Cuba.  This type of transaction was and remains authorized by license (general or specific) through the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Department of the Treasury and Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the United States Department of Commerce.

In November 2015, GE purchased for approximately US$10.6 billion the power and grid division of Paris, France-based Alstom (2017 revenues approximately US$8 billion).

In 2016, GE commenced a power generation project in the Republic of Cuba resulting, in part, from a relationship between Alstom and the Republic of Cuba prior to the 2015 acquisition by GE of the power and grid division of Alstom, which had exported products to the Republic of Cuba:

On 31 March 1971, GE certified a claim against the Republic of Cuba in the amount of US$5,870,436.86 through the United States Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (USFCSC) within the United States Department of Justice.  Interest accrued at 6% per annum from the respective date(s) of loss to the date of settlement. 
