TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix Ranks 200 Countries: Cuba Is 143rd With Total Risk Score 60 Of 100

Annapolis, Maryland-based TRACE International, Inc. has published the annual TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix® (TRACE Matrix).

“The Trace Matrix measures business bribery risk in 200 countries, territories, and autonomous and semi-autonomous regions. The overall country risk score is a combined and weighted score of four domains: Business Interactions with Government; Anti-Bribery Deterrence and Enforcement; Government and Civil Service Transparency; and Capacity for Civil Society Oversight, including the role of the media. The domain scores are derived from nine subdomains. The TRACE Matrix was originally developed in 2014 in collaboration with [Santa Monica, California-based] RAND Corporation. It is updated annually by TRACE.”

Country: Ranking & Lowest Total Risk Score: 1- New Zealand (4), 2- Norway (7), 6- United Kingdom (11), 15- United States (18), 133- China (59), 143- Cuba (60), 196- Venezuela (85), 200- Somalia (94).

Rank- 143 of 200
Total Risk Score- 60 of 100

Domain 1
Overall Opportunity Risk- 65 of 100
Interaction- 84 of 100
Expectation- 27 of 100
Leverage- 71 of 100

Domain 2
Overall Risk Deterrence- 60 of 100
Dissuasion- 78 of 100
Enforcement- 50 of 100

Domain 3
Overall Transparency Risk- 50 of 100
Processes- 48 of 100
Interests-69 of 100

Domain 4
Overall Oversight Risk- 64 of 100
Free Press- 76 of 100
Civil Society- 50 of 100

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