Trump Administration May Have Done What It Said It Did Not Do.... Does It Solve The Problem?

Trump Administration May Have Done What It Said It Did Not Do

Does Decision Solve The Problem?

Why Weren’t The Largest Certified Claimants Consulted?

185 Words To Implement Title III, But Not One Of The Words Was “Claims”

Has Trump Administration Abandoned The Certified Claimants?

Use Of Title III Does Not Settle The US$1.9 Billion In Certified Claims

If A “Trafficker” Can Buy-Off A Claimant, Does That Hold Cuba Accountable?

Wouldn’t Mediation Be Preferred For The Certified Claimants?

Will EU Change Trump Administration Or Will Trump Administration Change EU?

EU In 1998 Had 15 Members; EU In 2019 Has 28 Members

One-Way Title III Train May Have Departed The Executive Branch Station

Courts May Determine If There Is “Tourism” And Who Can Sue

Seventy-Five Days For A Default Judgement?

What Happens In Thirty Days? Increasing Use Of Title IV

Trump Administration Punts; Or Was It A Field Goal Rather Than A Touchdown?

LINK To Complete Analysis In PDF Format
