Thoughts About Where Is The Relationship Between The Trump Administration And Diaz-Canel Administration

Thoughts About Where Is The Relationship Between The Trump Administration And Diaz-Canel Administration                                   

For the 5,913 certified claimants, the currently-implemented strategy by the Trump Administration is not viewed as viable or efficient or serious because there is no focus.  The result thus far suggests not a government strategy, but a child-like exercise- there is no core, no “what do we want and when do we want it and how do we get it” only a what-comes-next impulse; no review of whether announcements lessen the distance between the issue of the certified claims and a settlement for the certified claimants.   

Why is this a rational view of certified claimants?  Because neither The White House (including the National Security Council) nor the United States Department of State have held a formal briefing, let alone briefings, for the two largest certified claimants (who represent 24% of the total value of the certified claims) or the thirty (30) largest certified claimants (who represent 56% of the total value of the certified claims).   

If the Trump Administration wants to assist the certified claimants, wouldn’t sound decision-making processes require formal input from the injured parties?  Yes, it would.  Why hasn’t there been a formal outreach to the largest certified claimants?  Because the Trump Administration does not want to resolve the issue of the certified claims; formal briefings would hold them accountable for action or inaction; no formal briefings, no formal accountability for what is done or left dangling for future presidents.    

The Trump Administration has thus far in its first twenty-seven (27) months focused upon commerce- the terms of trade for exports and imports.  Consistent with that theme would be for a singular focus upon negotiating compensation for the 5,913 certified claimants who have been awaiting fifty-eight (58) years for an occupant of the Oval Office to surgically engage in a bilateral negotiation with the Republic of Cuba.  

With the DNA of the current occupant entwined with more than is normal the number of negotiating strands, why hasn’t he chosen, or been permitted by his staff to resolve a fifty-eight-year-old issue valued at US$1.9 billion?  Who is holding him back?  Why are they holding him back?  Who gains from the certified claims not gaining a resolution?  Some members of the United States Congress and political consultants who pronounce that an ongoing issue is better for use during a campaign than is a message that an issue has been resolved.  It seems that continuing to “fight” to resolve an issue has more value than basking in a glow of success.    

What will be the response from the United States Department of Justice if a claimant, certified or non-certified, sues in a United States District Court a United States company who is deemed to be using an asset in the Republic of Cuba upon which there is a certified or non-certified claim?  What if the plaintiff is located in Spain, France, United Kingdom, Japan or Canada?  Or, from China or Russia?   

The Trump Administration wants the Republic of Cuba to abandon its interests in Venezuela, abandon its interests in Nicaragua, alter its internal commercial, economic and political models, and compensate certified claimants and non-certified claimants.  The first requirement and second requirement are doable; the second requirements are unlikely in tandem; the third requirement is, thus far, neither accepted with seriousness by the certified claimants nor the non-certified claimants or by the Republic of Cuba.  Has the Trump Administration submitted a formal request to the Republic of Cuba for a meeting to establish a framework to negotiate a settlement for the 5.913 certified claims valued at US$1.9 billion?  No, it has not.  

Normally, a customer enters a casino and plays slot machines, craps, poker, or roulette and anticipates winning- they don't know how much they will win, but they expect to win.  For opponents of the Trump Administration's policies towards the Republic of Cuba, the reality is this: the customer enters a casino and hopes for the least unattractive outcome- they know they are going to lose, the only unknowns are how much they're going to lose and how quickly they're going to lose it. 

The distance between what the Obama Administration introduced relating to Republic of Cuba and what the Trump Administration has unleashed relating to the Republic of Cuba is not measured in degrees of change, it's measured by distance between time zones. 

If anyone is "surprised" with the breadth of decisions by the Trump Administration impacting the Republic of Cuba, they are heavily medicated and residing in a pre-November 2016 galaxy far, far away. 

The Trump Administration will not permit the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to implement MAP/FMD (Market Access Program/Foreign Market Development) funding for use in the Republic of Cuba that was authorized in the 2018 Farm Bill.  If the Trump Administration is blocking what is statutorily permitted, what was the intent of the United States Congress by an amendment co-authored by The Honorable Marco Rubio (R- Florida), a member of the United States Senate, then what advocate of sound mind would believe that any legislation currently in the United States Congress, particularly relating to providing for a lessening of financial constraints upon the Republic of Cuba, would have a "pathway forward."  

There are aged and not-so-aged officials in the Republic of Cuba who awake each morning to a telephone call; they hope either Leonid Brezhnev or Nikita Khrushchev is on the other end- giving credence that the last thirty years was just an awful nightmare and the U.S.S.R. remains intact and providing support to the Republic of Cuba.  

In the 1980's, a United States diplomat posted to what was then the United States Interests Section in Havana, Republic of Cuba, shared an observation about then leader H.E. Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz: "Mr. Castro says to the United States 'I'm prepared to let my people suffer; are you prepared to let my people suffer?'" 

Cruise lines are the navy, airlines are the air force, visitors are the army; the Obama Administration commenced the assault upon the Republic of Cuba.  The Trump Administration is pulling back upon some of those conventional forces and replacing them with asymmetrical special forces-like applications.   
