President-Elect Biden Converses With Representatives Of EU, But Readout Includes No Mention Of Cuba Or Venezuela

November 23, 2020

Readout of President-elect Biden’s Foreign Leader Calls

President-elect Joe Biden took part in separate congratulatory calls today with the leaders of the European Commission, European Council, Jordan, and NATO.

The president-elect spoke with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and thanked her for her congratulations. The president-elect expressed his belief that a strong European Union is in the United States’ interest and underscored his commitment to deepen and revitalize the U.S.-EU relationship. He also conveyed his hope that the United States and the European Union could work to harness their shared values and the world’s largest trade and investment relationship to cooperate on common challenges, including containing COVID-19 and building global health security, tackling the threat of climate change, and strengthening democracy. The president-elect also highlighted the importance of U.S.-EU cooperation on issues of mutual concern, including Iran, Belarus, Ukraine and the Western Balkans.

The president-elect spoke with European Council President Charles Michel. The president-elect thanked President Michel for his congratulations and conveyed his desire to deepen and revitalize the U.S.-EU partnership based on shared values and robust economic ties. He expressed his eagerness to work closely with the European Union and its member states to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic; ensure a durable and sustainable global economic recovery, and address the climate crisis. The president-elect also underscored his commitment to strengthening democracy at home and abroad, engaging multilaterally, and cooperating on common challenges such as Iran, Belarus, Ukraine, and the Western Balkans.
