Could Be From Politicians In Washington: Cuba Highlights Private Sector Job Creation.

Ministry of Economy and Planning
Havana, Republic of Cuba
13 October 2021

The Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP) approved this Wednesday 60 new private MSMEs and 4 cooperatives, with which the total number of authorized applications amounts to 168 and all the country's provinces already have at least one of these economic actors. In this sense, of the total, 39 have food production as their main economic activity and 34 manufacturing production, including the manufacture of construction materials. Due to their origin, 101 are reconversion of pre-existing businesses, while 67 are newly created. In this sense, the 162 MSMEs and the 6 cooperatives approved so far have created some 2377 new jobs in the economy. The process is going well. The MEP continues to review applications together with users. LINK To MEP List In PDF Format

Havana, Oct 13 (EFE) .- Another 60 new private micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and 4 cooperatives received the approval of the Cuban Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP) on Wednesday, bringing the total to 168 authorized requests from these economic actors.

Of that total, 39 have food production as their main economic activity and another 34 belong to the manufacturing area, so far the most represented businesses in these companies, and this group includes the manufacture of construction materials. A note from the MEP specifies that, due to their origin, 101 of these are reconversion of pre-existing businesses, while 67 are of recent creation. It also adds that the 162 MSMEs and the 6 cooperatives approved so far have generated some 2,377 jobs. It was also known that today the first two medium-sized companies on the island were officially established in Havana, Dofleini Software, specialized in programming and computing activities, and another called Guajiritos.

Last August, the Cuban Government approved 8 decree-laws with which it recognizes and expands the management of MSMEs, non-agricultural cooperatives and self-employment (autonomous) as economic actors. Likewise, it identifies as economic actors in the country the socialist state enterprise (the main one), non-agricultural cooperatives, self-employment (private) and MSMEs.

Cuban MSMEs can have state, private or mixed ownership, they are – according to the regulations that govern their creation and operation – economic units with legal personality, which have their own dimensions and characteristics, and are intended to develop the production of goods, as well as the provision of services that meet the needs of society. They can be made up of one or more partners, they are constituted as mercantile companies and are classified depending on the number of employed persons as: micro-enterprise, whose range of employed is from one to 10 persons; small business, from 11 to 35; and medium-sized companies, from 36 to 100 people.

Ministry of Economy and Planning
Havana, Republic of Cuba
29 September 2021

On September 29, 2021, the first 35 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MIPYMES) were approved, of which 32 are private and 3 are state-owned. The approval gives the green light to the creation of these new economic actors, who can now proceed to their constitution as legal entities to carry out their economic activities. In this first group, the prioritized activities stand out, with 13 MSMEs for food production, six for manufacturing, three related to recycling activities and another three incubated in the Science and Technology Park of Havana. These new companies are distributed in eleven of the fifteen provinces of the country. In addition, among the 35 new MSMEs, ten have previously carried out export operations and five belong to local development projects. Due to their origin, 20 of these businesses are a reconversion of TCP to the new form of non-state management, while the other 15 are newly created. The rest of the requests are in process. So far none have been denied. The creation of MIPYMES and CNA is part of the improvement of economic actors, a process aimed at putting in their right place all the forms of management that make up the Cuban economy, in order to unleash their potential and contribute to the socioeconomic development of the country.

LINK To Analysis

Cuba Approves First 35 MIPYME Applications- Confirms No Application Thus Far Denied. Many More Applications Expected. Result Beneficial For Biden Administration Goal To Support SME's. September 30, 2021

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