Iberostar Of Spain Files 19th Monthly Libertad Act Lawsuit Status Report- Continues To Await Decision By European Commission. Waiting For 549 Days. U.S. Court Patient.


Zumpano Patricios P.A. (plaintiff)
Bird & Bird (defendant)
Holland & Knight (defendant)


Defendant IBEROSTAR HOTELES Y APARTAMENTOS, S.L.U. (“Iberostar”) submits1 [1 Iberostar reserves all its rights and will move to dismiss based on its Rule 12 defenses when it receives authorization to do so from the European Commission.] this status report pursuant to this Court’s Order Granting Defendant’s Motion to Stay Proceedings dated April 24, 2020 (D.E. 17), directing Defendant to submit status reports every 30 days on its request for authorization to the European Union Commission. Defendant states as follows: 1. Since the last update filed on September 14, 2021, Iberostar continues to await a decision on its application for authorization to the European Commission to respond to the Complaint in this action which was filed with the European Commission on April 15, 2020 (the “Application”). Defendant’s Motion to Stay, ¶ 2. (D.E. 16).

LINK To Defendant’s Status Report (10/15/21)

LINK: Libertad Act Lawsuit Filing Statistics

LINK: Report From The Commission To The European Parliament And The Council Relating To Article 7(A) Of Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 (‘Blocking Statute’)

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