U.S. Government Reports Cuba Sought To Support Biden And "Undermine" Trump And Republicans In 2020 Election

Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
National Intelligence Council
Intelligence Community Assessment
Foreign Threats to the 2020 US Federal Elections
10 March 2021
Washington DC

Excerpts (BOLD text is from document) 

Key Judgment 5: We assess that a range of additional foreign actors-including Lebanese Hizballah, Cuba, and Venezuela-took some steps to attempt to influence the election. In general, we assess that they were smaller in scale than the influence efforts conducted by other actors this election cycle. Cybercriminals disrupted some election preparations; we judge their activities probably were driven by financial motivations.

We assess Cuba sought to undermine former President Trump's electoral prospects by pushing anti-Republican and pro-Democrat narratives to the Latin American community. Cuban intelligence probably conducted some low-level activities in support of this effort. 

LINK To 15-Page Report In PDF Format

Screenshot_2021-03-17 ICA-declass-16MAR21 pdf.png