The Word For Today Is "cuentapropistas" And It Is The Fulcrum Around Which Biden Administration Cuba Policy Revolves

United States Department of State
Washington DC
20 May 2021

Secretary’s Message to the Cuban People on Cuban Independence Day

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State

On Cuban Independence Day, we recognize the strength and diversity of the Cuban people and their many contributions to the world. We celebrate the strong bonds between our two peoples, as well as the diverse backgrounds and ideas of Cuban artists, entrepreneurs, religious leaders, human rights defenders and advocates for equality, journalists, and environmentalists– just a few of the many people in Cuba with a strong voice and a desire to be heard. The United States stands with you and seeks to support you as you pursue freedom, prosperity, and a future of greater dignity. We recognize the challenges many of you face in your daily lives. We acknowledge your important contributions to the global conversation, and we seek to hear and amplify your voices in order to realize opportunities and address challenges.

The United States recommits to accompanying the Cuban people in your quest to determine your own future. We will support those improving the lives of families and workers, cuentapropistas who have forged their own economic paths, and all who are building a better Cuba – and a better tomorrow for themselves in Cuba.
