What Happens Today In Cuba Will Advance Further Biden-Harris Administration Response To Protests Last Week

Today, Sunday, 21 July 2021, is one week since the first protests throughout the Republic of Cuba on Sunday, 11 July 2021. 

For the Biden-Harris Administration (2021- ) what transpired (and did not transpire) and what transpires today (and does not transpire) may be the awaited inflection point(s) to implement (or delay) components (or all) of the nearing six-month Cuba Policy Review.   

The White House (National Security Council- NSC), United States Department of State, United States Department of Defense (DOD), United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) are using outcome modeling analysis to determine how they craft recommendations:

  • 1) Were the protests in size similar, smaller or larger than one week ago;

  • 2) Were the protests in geographical areas similar, smaller or larger than one week ago;

  • 3) Was the response by the [Miguel] Diaz-Canel Administration (2019- ) similar, less intensive or more intensive than one week ago;

  • 4) Was there a visible the role of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) of the Republic of Cuba rather than personnel from the Ministry of Interior (MININT) of the Republic of Cuba and police departments.

Stakeholders in the United States and the Republic of Cuba have strategies that benefit from a second week of protests and/or no second week of protests. Political pressures on the Biden-Harris Administration and the Diaz-Canel Administration increase with a second week of protests and lessen absent a second week of protests. Optics lead the response.