507-Word New Statement: U.S. Department Of State Responds To Question About Status of Cuba Policy Review. Ignores Cuba’s Re-Emerging Private Sector- The Self-Employed, MSMEs. Why?

28 January 2022 

Question to the United States Department of State:  

Today is one-year since the Cuba Policy Review was announced by The White House.  What is the status of the Cuba Policy Review?  Why has the process required one year?  What components of the review remain incomplete? 


United States Department of State
Washington DC
31 January 2022

State Department spokesperson:   

Addressing the situation in Cuba is a top priority for the Biden-Harris Administration.  Our policy toward Cuba focuses first and foremost on support for the Cuban people, including their political and economic well-being, and human rights. This means we are committed to promoting accountability for Cuban government officials involved in human rights abuses.      

In response to directives from President Biden, the United States remains committed to policies that will advance the democratic aspirations of the Cuban people and takes concerted action to bolster the cause of the Cuban people.  

The President and Secretary Blinken condemned the Cuban government’s brutal crackdown on July 11 protestors, and we continue to highlight the egregious nature of these detentions, such as decades-long sentences handed down to demonstrators, including minors.     

Treasury imposed four rounds of sanctions under the Global Magnitsky program on Cuban officials and elements of the military and security services in connection with serious human rights abuse against peaceful protestors.  The Department of State announced actions to impose visa restrictions on 17 Cuban officials.  Those officials were implicated in attempts to silence the voices of the Cuban people through repression.     

We’ve brought to bear the strength of our diplomacy, rallying nations to speak out and increase pressure on the Cuban government.  We engage regularly with our global partners to urge Cuba to release political prisoners unconditionally and protect and respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals in Cuba.   

On July 26, 2021, the United States joined 20 democracies around the world to support the Cuban people in a joint statement calling on the Cuban government to respect Cubans’ demands for human rights.  

On December 17, 2021, the OAS and the European Parliament made statements demanding the release of political prisoners and decrying prison conditions in Cuba.    

The Administration consults daily with Cubans on the island and with the worldwide Cuban diaspora which represent many diverse opinions.  We speak to leaders in the Cuban American community from across the political spectrum, including discussing the current human rights environment but also ways that we can address the worsening humanitarian crisis on the island.  

We continue to review U.S. policy on remittances to Cuba.  The Administration is considering options that facilitate remittances to Cuba that would give maximum benefit directly to the Cuban people and minimize any benefit to the Cuban government and its military that would aid in the repression of Cuban citizens.    

The Administration works closely with U.S. tech companies and other stakeholders to make the Internet more accessible to the Cuban people.   

We also work to increase humanitarian support flows to the Cuban people under the embargo’s existing authorizations and exemptions.  The U.S. government engages with non-governmental organizations and faith-based groups to facilitate private donations and other exports of medical and health-related equipment, staple food items, and basic toiletries and hygiene products to the Cuban people.  

The State Department is exploring options to augment staffing of U.S. Embassy Havana to facilitate diplomatic and civil society engagement and the provision of consular services, while maintaining an appropriate security posture.  

Follow-up Question To U.S. Department Of State:

"However, and this is my follow-up, the answer does not address the specific question as to the status of the Cuba Policy Review. Specifically, when is expected the completion of the Cuba Policy Review? What components remain incomplete?"

Answer: "We’d refer you to the White House on this follow up question.”

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