Societe Generale Wins Dismissal Of One Of Two Libertad Act Lawsuits. Plaintiff Expected To Appeal New York Ruling.

JUAN B. PUJOL MOREIRA, in his personal capacity, and as Personal Representative and Administrator of the ESTATE OF NIEVES PUJOL, a/k/a NIEVES MOREIRA MARTINEZ, MARIA JULIA PUJOL MOREIRA, INES MARIA PUJOL FAGET, as Personal Representative and Executor of the ESTATE OF ARCADIO JOAQUIN PUJOL IZQUIERDO, SARA L. PUJOL, as Personal Representative and Administrator of the ESTATE OF LAUREANO PUJOL ROJAS, LUIS R. PUJOL ROJAS, ANA H. FRAGA, LORENZO PEREZ PUJOL, FRANCISCO PUJOL MENESES, PILAR M. PUJOL MENESES, and RAUL PUJOL MENESES, Plaintiffs, v. SOCIETE GENERALE, S.A. and BNP PARIBAS, S.A. [1:20-cv-09380; Southern District Of New York].

Kozyak Tropin & Throckmorton, LLP (plaintiff)
MoloLamken LLC (plaintiff)
Mayer Brown LLP (defendant)
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP (defendant)


As required pursuant to the Defendants’ March 22, 2021 letter to the Court in the above-captioned actions, so ordered by the Court on March 23, 2021, the Parties have met and conferred in good faith regarding the most sensible way to move forward in Pujol II in light of the Court’s November 24, 2021 Opinion and Order granting Defendants’ motion to dismiss in Pujol I. The Parties have agreed, subject to approval of the Court, to the following:

1. If Plaintiffs decide to file a Second Amended Complaint in Pujol I in light of the Court’s Opinion and Order in Pujol I, Plaintiffs at the same time, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(a)(1), will file an Amended Complaint in Pujol II, in which Plaintiffs shall make the same amendments. The current deadline for filing a Second Amended Complaint in Pujol I is January 18, 2022.
2. If and when the Amended Complaint is filed in Pujol II, the deadline for Defendants to answer or file a motion to dismiss the Amended Complaint in that case will be stayed through and including the date of a decision on the motion to dismiss the Second Amended Complaint in Pujol I.
3. Within 10 business days after a decision on the motion to dismiss in Pujol I, the Parties will meet and confer in good faith regarding the most sensible way to move forward in Pujol II in light of the Court’s decision.

The Parties respectfully request that the Court grant the relief requested by this letter-motion.

Application GRANTED. The parties are reminded that all future filings in this case should be made only on the consolidated docket in Case No. 20-CV-9380. See 21-CV-2283, ECF No. 15. The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate ECF No. 63 in Case No. 20-CV-9380 and ECF No. 17 in Case No. 21-CV-2283 and docket this Order in Case Nos. 20-CV-9380 and 21-CV-2283. SO ORDERED.

LINK To Order (1/3/22)
LINK To Libertad Act Title III Lawsuit Filing Statistics