Since Biden Administration Took Office On 20 January 2021, How Often Do Officials Of The Governments Of The United States And Cuba Meet? Discuss Remittances, Banking, Private Businesses? No Answers.

On 14 February 2022, this question was sent to the United States Department of State in Washington DC and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Havana, Republic of Cuba:  

[T]he number of official face-to-face meetings (in person or by video or by telephone) and the subject(s) discussed between officials of the United States Department of State and officials of the government of the Republic of Cuba for the period 20 January 2021 through the most recent meeting.  Of specific interest, but not limited to, is/are meeting(s) relating to the delivery of remittances, direct correspondent banking, and direct investment in and delivery of financing to private businesses.”  

On 16 February 2022, the United States Department of State responded, but did not answer in totality the question.   

Attributable to a State Department spokesperson: “The United States government regularly engages with the Cuban government on issues of mutual interest, including through meetings between our diplomats in the United States and in Cuba.  Our policy toward Cuba focuses first and foremost on support for the Cuban people, including their political and economic well-being, and human rights.” 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba has not responded to the question.