UndervaluedShares.com Reports On Debt Recovery "Game-Changing Lawsuit" Filed In London Against Central Bank Of Cuba

Isle of Sark, Channel Islands, United Kingdom
2 September 2022


English law is the world's gold standard for commercial transactions, and English courts regularly become the venue for dealing with complex commercial matters. The Commercial Court at the Royal Courts of Justice in London is now hosting the probably single-most important legal case for resolving the remaining Cuban debt issues.

“Even within the colourful world of distressed debt investing, investing in ancient Cuban debt is truly exotic. It makes for the most fascinating reading. In early 2020, experts for distressed debt �led a lawsuit in London to force payment from the Cuban government. The move sent shock waves through the secretive world of investing in defaulted claims against Cuba. Never before had such a claim been brought to the English court system. How is this story going to unfold? Undervalued-Shares.com had a chance to analyse the court documents, and will put you in the picture. Not only that, a small number of you will also be able to become part of the Cuban debt story (spoiler alert: this article includes an exclusive offer!).”

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