Could Buffalo, New York-based Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Be A Defendant In A Libertad Act Lawsuit? Is This What Title III Intended?  

Buffalo, New York-based Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Is This What Title III Of The Libertad Act Was Intended To Deliver To Claimants?
Location Of Joint Venture May Become An Issue

In April 2015, Buffalo, New York-based Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center (RPCCC) signed an agreement with the Republic of Cuba government-operated Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) to develop a lung cancer vaccine with a clinical trial in the United States.  

In August 2016, RPCCC received authorization from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to commence a Phase One Clinical Trial of the lung cancer treatment vaccine CIMAvax-EGF® to a limited number of patients.  

In October 2016, RPCCC received authorization from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Department of the Treasury in Washington DC to establish a commercial joint venture with CIM, to be located in the Mariel Special Development Zone (ZEDM) and which will be the first commercial joint venture with a United States-based entity in the Republic of Cuba licensed to research, develop, manufacture and market biotech products in the Republic of Cuba.  

In September 2018, RPCCC created a joint venture biotech company located in the Republic of Cuba, Innovative Immunotherapy Alliance S.A., operated by CIM commercial affiliate, CIMAB S.A., and by GBCT II LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RPCCC.  

Libertad Act Title III Lawsuits Involving ZEDM 

ODETTE BLANCO DE FERNANDEZ née BLANCO ROSELL, Plaintiff, v. CROWLEY MARITIME CORPORATION, Defendant. [3:20-cv-01426 Middle District Florida]

Murphy & Anderson, P.A. (plaintiff)
Berliner Corcoran & Rowe LLP (plaintiff)
Fields PLLC (plaintiff)
Law Offices of John S. Gaebe P.A. (plaintiff)

LINK To Lawsuit Filing: Crowley Maritime Corporation Is 32nd Libertad Act Lawsuit- Plaintiffs Target Use Of ZEDM Port

ODETTE BLANCO DE FERNANDEZ née BLANCO ROSELL, Plaintiff, v. SEABOARD MARINE, LTD., Defendant. [1:20-cv-25176; Southern Florida District]

Horr, Novak & Skipp, P.A. (plaintiff)
Law Offices of John S. Gaebe (plaintiff)
Berliner Corcoran & Rowe (plaintiff)
Fields (plaintiff)

LINK To Lawsuit Filing: Seaboard Marine Is 31st Libertad Act Lawsuit- Plaintiff Targets Mariel Special Economic Zone Operations

LINK To Previous Posts About RPCCC

ZED Mariel Background 

“Mariel Special Development Zone is the first of its type in Cuba and enjoys a privileged geographic location, in the center of the Caribbean Sea, at the crossroads of the main maritime commercial traffic routes in the Western Hemisphere. The Office of Mariel Special Development Zone is the entity attached to the Council of Ministers, in charge of managing the Zone, controlling its activities, elaborating and conducting its Development and Business Program.

ZED Mariel provides a world class production and logistics platform which will enable an increase in national production levels, reduce import costs, boost growth, create jobs and facilitate direct foreign investment. It is an area of the national territory, located in the north of Artemisa province, 45 km west of Havana, regulated by special regimes and policies, designed to attract investment in the production of goods and the provision of services with added value, using knowledge and innovation, as well as clean technologies, generating industrial concentration to replace imports, boost exports and generate new sources of employment. Goods and services generated in ZED Mariel can be traded with all legal entities established in the country, inside or outside Mariel. Exports from Cuba are exempted from customs tariffs.”

Contact information
Pelícano Business Center, 3rd floor, Zone A-5, Sector A.
Telephone: (53-47) 397360 to 63

LINK To ZED Mariel Internet Site

LINK To List Of Companies Operating Within ZED Mariel (as of 24 December 2020) 

Largest Companies With Operations In ZED Mariel
Paris, France-based Bouygues Construction (Bouygues S.A. 2019 revenues approximately US$40 billion)
Marseille, France-based CMA CGM S.A. (2019 revenues approximately US$33 billion)
Vevey, Switzerland--based Nestle S.A. (2019 revenues approximately US$94 billion)
London, United Kingdom-based Unilever (2019 revenues approximately US$59 billion) 

Libertad Act 

The Trump Administration has made operational Title III and further implemented Title IV of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996 (known as “Libertad Act”). Title III authorizes lawsuits in United States District Courts against companies and individuals who are using a certified claim or non-certified claim where the owner of the certified claim or non-certified claim has not received compensation from the Republic of Cuba or from a third-party who is using (“trafficking”) the asset.   

LINK To Libertad Act Title III Lawsuit Statistics