Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center References Its Clinical Trials For Cuba's CIMAvax-EGF. After Five Years Of Activity, RPCCC Continues Refusal To Provide Data/Comment On Joint Venture Status.

Prensa Latina News Agency
Havana, Republic of Cuba
1 November 2021

Cuban president highlights cooperation opportunities with US

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Monday highlighted cooperation possibilities between Cuba and the United States if the government of that country lifted the blockade policy. On Twitter, the president reflected on these opportunities and shared an article about the clinical study of the Cuban vaccine against lung cancer by the Roswell Park Institute, based in the United States. “How much more could Cubans and Americans do together for humanity if the government of that country put aside its obstinate and cruel policy against #Cuba? Again science showing us the way forward,” the head of State specifically wrote. Washington has kept an economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba for more than six decades and tightened it with 243 unilateral measures that have been maintained during the Covid-19 pandemic. Both the international community and representatives from US business, scientific, governmental and artistic sectors, among others, favor the lifting of the blockade. Recently, Cuban scientists sent a letter to President Joe Biden in which they expressed their willingness to collaborate with that nation and mentioned the possibility of sharing information on Covid-19 vaccines developed by Cuba.
Havana, Republic of Cuba
31 October 2021

Instituto Roswell Park de Estados Unidos iniciará estudio clínico con vacuna cubana contra cáncer de pulmón

El Instituto Roswell Park de Estados Unidos anunció el inicio de un estudio clínico con la vacuna cubana CIMAvax-EGF en la prevención del cáncer de pulmón.

El nuevo ensayo que se inicia en los Estados Unidos busca tratar a los pacientes fumadores con alto riesgo de desarrollar un cáncer de pulmón, así como pacientes con cáncer en estadios tempranos con riesgo de recaer con la enfermedad. El medicamento cubano CIMAvax-EGF, una inmunoterapia que logra reducir drásticamente los niveles de factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EGF) en la sangre, ha demostrado su eficacia en el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón avanzado. A partir de los resultados obtenidos en los dos países, los investigadores del Centro de Inmunología Molecular y el instituto Roswell Park, ubicado en el estado de Nueva York, comienzan a explorar su uso para prevenir la formación del cáncer de pulmón. Este sería el segundo ensayo clínico en curso con CIMAvax-EGF en Roswell Park, donde se ha demostrado la seguridad de este medicamento, y se explora su uso combinado en varias indicaciones de cáncer. Al respecto, el presidente de BioCubaFarma, DrC. Eduardo Martínez Díaz, refirió en su Twitter: El cáncer es una de las principales causa de muerte en #Cuba y en el mundo. La evaluación de la capacidad de prevenir el cáncer de pulmón usando la vacuna cubana CIMAva-EGF, en estudios clínicos en Cuba y en #EEUU es una esperanza para la humanidad.— Eduardo Martínez Díaz (@EdMartBCF) October 31, 2021

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Buffalo, New York
29 October 2021

Researchers Aim to Prevent Lung Cancer With Latest CIMAvax-EGF Clinical Trial

Prevention study is recruiting lung cancer survivors as well as those at high risk due to smoking history

Immunotherapy CIMAvax-EGF to be used in an interventional study Receptor found on lung cancer cells also discovered in people without cancer CIMAvax may have ability to deplete EGF protein, preventing cancer or recurrence

BUFFALO, N.Y. — A groundbreaking international collaboration brought an innovative lung cancer immunotherapy from Cuba — CIMAvax-EGF — to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. Now researchers at the Buffalo-based center are now examining whether this immunotherapy developed to treat lung cancer might prove to be an effective tool for preventing the often-deadly disease. Led by Mary Reid, MSPH, PhD, the interventional early-phase clinical trial is currently recruiting for participants who fall into two groups, or cohorts — middle-aged individuals who currently smoke or have quit smoking within 15 years and carry other lung cancer risk factors like COPD, family history of the disease or have high-risk occupational exposures but have not been diagnosed with cancer AND lung cancer survivors who have completed treatment. “If you’ve had lung cancer and survived it, your biggest fear is that the tumor is going to come back, and we’d like to do anything we can to prevent that,” says Dr. Reid, who is also the Chief of Screening, Survivorship and Mentorship at Roswell Park. “I think CIMAvax shows great potential to help this group as well as individuals who are past or current smokers at risk for lung cancer.” This immunotherapy works by blocking a protein known as epidermal growth factor (EGF), which lung cancer cells need to grow. CIMAvax produces antibodies against EGF, mounting an immune response, capturing the protein so that it no longer circulates in the blood and no longer reaches the cancer cells. The cells end up “starved,” as the protein cannot connect to its receptor, known as EGFR, on the cell and cancer growth is inhibited. Previous studies have shown that EGFR has been found in the airways of cancer-free subjects as well as people diagnosed with cancer. Dr. Reid and team are looking to learn whether the antibodies created by CIMAvax may drive down the risk for developing lung cancer.

“No one deserves to get lung cancer,” says Dr. Reid. “We need to offer people something to reverse damage done by smoking exposure. If we could have an easy-to-administer medication someone can get on an outpatient basis that could prevent them from progressing to cancer — that would be a quality-of-life game-changer. So we’re exploring whether CIMAvax has that potential.” CIMAvax-EGF has been developed over the course of more than 25 years by researchers at the Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) in Havana, Cuba. The CIM is currently conducting an identical prevention study in their country. For full study and enrollment details, please visit the CIMAvax page on the Roswell Park website or call 1-800-ROSWELL (1-800-767-9355). Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center is a community united by the drive to eliminate cancer’s grip on humanity by unlocking its secrets through personalized approaches and unleashing the healing power of hope. Founded by Dr. Roswell Park in 1898, it is the only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center in Upstate New York.

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Buffalo, New York
20 December 2020

8. New Options for Patients With Lung Cancer

Lung cancer remains the biggest cancer killer, and Roswell Park is helping to reverse that trend through collaboration with other major centers and international innovators. Grace Dy, MD, Chief of Thoracic Oncology, led Roswell Park’s contributions to seminal studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine this year about two new precision-medicine treatment options for patients whose lung cancers display particular molecular characteristics that can be identified through next-generation sequencing. She is also leading the only U.S. clinical trials of CIMAvax-EGF, a unique immunotherapy for lung cancer that was developed by scientists in Cuba.

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