DHS Secretary Mayorkas Visits Florida. Refuses To Answer Question Could Signal Biden Administration Considering Cuba Military Participation In Remittance Delivery

The Honorable Alejandro Mayorkas was sworn in as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) by President Joe Biden on February 2, 2021. Secretary Mayorkas is of Cuban descent.

Arlington, Virginia
19 August 2021

Excerpts: “Mayorkas was tight-lipped with reporters about the future of U.S.-Cuba policy. Asked why Biden’s policies so far looked less like those of President Obama, Biden's former boss when he was vice president, and more like the Trump policies that Biden had once pledged to scale back, Mayorkas wouldn’t say. "The Biden-Harris administration will develop its policy toward Cuba in support of the Cuban people with the Cuban-American community," he replied. Biden's Homeland Security secretary also said he would not comment on whether he supports efforts to prevent money from flowing directly or indirectly to the Cuban military, which controls the island’s economy — the heart of Trump’s Cuba policy.

Remittance Background

Electronic remittance transfers arriving to the Republic of Cuba are processed by, delivered through, and create benefit for the government of the Republic of Cuba primarily through Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) of the Republic of Cuba-connected Grupo de Administración Empresarial S.A. (GAESA) which controls Republic of Cuba government-operated Banco Financiero Internacional S.A. (BFI), Republic of Cuba government-operated Financiera Cimex (Fincimex) and Republic of Cuba government-operated American International Services (AIS).    

Perhaps, the Biden-Harris Administration (2021- ) is considering solely for the processing and delivery of electronic remittance transfers to authorize BFI, Fincimex, and AIS which are on the Cuba Restricted List (CRL) maintained by the United States Department of State. And limiting the percentage the three entities may collectively receive (currently less than 2% combined which is in line with global marketplace norms) and using direct correspondent banking to make the transactions direct rather than through third countries thus ensuring greater transparency. The Cuba Remittance Working Group (CRWG) is to deliver its recommendation(s) to The White House by 29 August 2021.

Twitter Feed From DHS

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas @SecMayorkas Meeting with the Haitian American community in Miami again today, I expressed the Biden-Harris Administration’s steadfast commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of Haitians as the country faces one tragedy after another.

Today in Miami, @SecMayorkas is joined by Juan Gonzalez, @WHNSC Sr. Director for the Western Hemisphere, and Mark Feierstein, Principal Advisor to @PowerUSAID, for engagements with the Cuban American and Haitian American communities.

The Biden Administration stands in solidarity with the Cuban people and their call for freedom. I join @POTUS in our commitment to holding the Cuban regime accountable, supporting the Cuban people, and ensuring Cuban Americans remain a vital partner in our efforts.

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas @SecMayorkas I am on my way to Miami, where I will meet with both the Cuban American and Haitian American communities. I will also have the chance to pay my respects to the #Surfside victims, and thank dedicated Miami-Dade first responders.

The White House
Washington DC
28 January 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

”Q And if I may ask one more on Cuba: Do you guys plan on starting -- walking back all of those restrictions that were put into place under the Trump administration after the Obama administration had opened things up with Cuba?”

”MS. PSAKI: Well, our Cuba policy is governed by two principles. First, support for democracy and human rights. That will be at the core of our efforts. Second is Americans, especially Cuban Americans, are the best ambassadors for freedom in Cuba. So we'll review the Trump administration policies, as we are in a number of other areas of national security, with an eye to assure -- ensuring that our approach is aligned with that. But, you know, we will take our own path. I don't I don't have anything to predict for you at this point in time.”

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