Cuba Issues 175 Pages Of Regulations For Micro, Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSME's)

Radio Cadena Agramonte
Camaguey, Republic of Cuba
20 August 2021

Regulations on small and medium-sized enterprises in Cuba are published

Havana, Aug 20.- Cuba today issued regulations related to the activities that micro, small and medium-sized private companies, non-agricultural cooperatives, and self-employed workers can carry out. 

The Official Gazette publishes Decree-Law 46 signed by the president of the National Assembly of People's Power, Juan Esteban Lazo Hernández, this Thursday , its purpose is to regulate the creation and operation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MIPYMES).  

The legal norm highlights that MSMEs are those economic units with legal personality, which have their own dimensions and characteristics, and whose purpose is to develop the production of goods and the provision of services that meet the needs of society. These can be state, private or mixed property, and are classified depending on the number of employed persons as: Micro enterprise, whose range of employed is from one to 10 persons; Small business, from 11 to 35, and Medium business, from 36 to 100 people. 

Stresses that MSMEs have business autonomy; they contract goods and services with the other subjects recognized in the current legislation with equal conditions, and provide statistical information as provided by law. In addition, they can export and import in accordance with the provisions of current legislation; manage and administer your assets; define the products and services to be marketed, as well as their suppliers, clients, destinations and market insertion; operate bank accounts and access any lawful source of financing; set the prices of its services and goods except those that are centrally approved. 

Define its structure, staff and number of workers; determine the income of its workers respecting the established minimum wages; make the investments required for the development of the MIPYME; create establishments that do not have legal personality, inside or outside the province where their registered office is located; and another faculty or right that derives from its condition of company, as long as it does not oppose what is legally established. Regarding the activities to be carried out by micro, small and medium-sized private companies, non-agricultural cooperatives and self-employed workers, Decree 49 states, which are those considered legal, except those that are regulated in the list of unauthorized activities, annexed to that regulation.   

Unauthorized activities include pest control, except domestic pest control; ordinary hunting and trapping for commercial purposes, and mining and quarrying. Within the manufacturing industry, the production of sugar, natural mineral waters and tobacco is not authorized; the printing of newspapers, magazines, tabloids, books, maps, atlases, postage stamps, tax stamps, title documents, checks and other guarantee documents, except for products associated with the promotion of commercial activity. Manufacture of arms and ammunition; of military insignia; of cells, batteries and accumulators; of motor vehicles; of ships, floating structures, recreational and sports boats, as well as other boats; as well as repair and maintenance of firearms and ammunition, among others. 

The creation of record labels, music publishers and entities for the commercialization of records and other phonographic supports are not authorized, except for the activities of recording and post-production of sound and licenses for record sellers already approved; radio transmissions; television programming and broadcasts, on the cultural programming of music, performing arts, books, plastic arts, cinema, heritage and community cultural work; as well as wireline, wireless and satellite telecommunications activities that include the public internet access service. The annex to the regulations also includes other unauthorized activities in activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies; of services; artistic, entertainment and recreational; human health care and social assistance; teaching; real estate; professional, scientific and technical; as well as administrative and support services, among others. (Text and infographic: ACN) 

LINK To Gaceta Oficial Document (175 Pages In Spanish)

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