From U.S. Department Of State: No Imminent Change To Cuba Status On List Of State Sponsors Of Terrorism

United States Department of State
Washington DC
15 July 2024

Media Briefing

QUESTION: All right. And a quick follow-up on Cuba?


QUESTION: We’re working – we’ve talked to some Cuban business owners in the wake of the State Department moving them off of a list of people who were not helpful with state – with – what is it? The list was states that are not helpful in combating terrorism. They were – they were removed from that.


QUESTION: The business owners in Cuba are saying that because they’re – Cuba is still on the state sponsor of terrorism list, that it’s harder for them to do business with European countries, with other Latin American countries, than it was even during the Trump administration. Is the State Department still looking at this before the end of Biden’s first term?

MR MILLER: I just don’t have any updates on that process. Sorry.