Trump-Rubio Administration Could Make Trump-Pence Administration Look Mild, Restrained, And Timid, With Respect To Cuba Policy.  From Grammar School To Postdoctoral.  

Trump-Rubio Administration Could Make Trump-Pence Administration Look Mild, Restrained, And Timid, With Respect To Cuba Policy.   

From Grammar School To Postdoctoral.  

The selection of Marco Rubio (R- Florida), a member of the United States Senate (2011- ), who is of Cuban descent, as the 2024 vice president nominee of the Republican Party has the potential for the Trump-Rubio Administration (2025-2029) to make Republic of Cuba policy during the Trump-Pence Administration (2017-2021) resemble a grammar school exercise.

When Mauricio Claver-Carone, of Cuban descent, was installed in 2018 as Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the National Security Council (NSC), he had the mandate of Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States, to craft and to implement revisions to Republic of Cuba-related policies of the Obama-Biden Administration (2009-2017).  He presided at a dismantling of much, but not all Obama-Biden Administration policies. 

But, Mr. Claver-Carone was not a member of the Trump-Pence Administration cabinet, Principals Committee, Deputies Committee, or a United States Senate confirmed political appointee.  Although lacking each of those, he was able to deliver an immensely impactful series of commercial, economic, financial, and political decisions. 

A Vice President Rubio will be a member of the cabinet, may attend gatherings of the Principals Committee and Deputies Committee, will influence the selection of senior-level, mid-level, and lower-level appointees, and will have the United States Constitution-described responsibility to preside at the United States Senate.  If Senator Rubio chooses, he will have the access to reverse not only decisions by the Biden-Harris Administration (2021- ), but also anything remaining in place from the Trump-Pence Administration and Obama-Biden Administration.