On 20 January 2021, This Skilled Politician Will Be The Most Important Member Of Congress For Issues Relating To Cuba

On 20 January 2021, The Honorable Robert Menendez (D- New Jersey), a three-term member of the United States Senate and before that a seven-term member of the United States House of Representatives, will be 69th Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate.  Senator Menendez was previously Chairman (2013-2014).  The Honorable Joseph Biden (D- Delaware), President-elect of the United States, served three times as Chairman (2001; 2001-2003; 2007-2009).  

Possessing the gavel, Senator Menendez will become the most influential Member of the United States Congress for issues relating to the Republic of Cuba and Venezuela, replacing a colleague with whom he agreed often, The Honorable Marco Rubio (R- Florida).   

A mistake for advocates to believe Chairman Menendez will not oppose the Biden Administration on issues relating to the Republic of Cuba and Venezuela as a gesture of political party unity.  And, to believe that Chairman Menendez and Senator Rubio will not align- and bring along others, against decisions by the Biden Administration relating to the Republic of Cuba and Venezuela. 

Senator Menendez’s primary challenge will be to navigate a Biden Administration inclined to adjust downward Trump Administration policies impacting the Republic of Cuba and Venezuela. 

There are three Trump Administration policies which the incoming Biden Administration has telegraphed are likely for de-escalation: 1) Removing the US$1,000.00 per quarter limit upon remittances 2) Easing the Havana-only restriction upon commercial airlines and 3) Restructuring consulate operations in Havana to better serve visa applicants.  Changes to Trump Administration restrictions/prohibitions upon transactions with entities controlled by the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) of the Republic of Cuba are expected to remain in place.

As did his colleague Senator Rubio during the Trump Administration, Chairman Menendez will do the opposite- leverage what the Biden Administration wants to lessen with increasing pressure somewhere else.  For example, during negotiations for the 2018 Farm Bill, as a condition for his support, Senator Rubio successfully attached an amendment to preclude transactions by United States organizations with FAR-related entities when implementing Foreign Market Development (FMD) and Market Access Program (MAP) taxpayer-provided funding in the Republic of Cuba.  Quid pro quo

There are ten (10) self-identified Cuban-American members of the 117th United States Congress: three (3) in the United States Senate and seven (7) in the United States House of Representatives, consisting of two (2) members of the Democratic Party and eight (8) members of the Republican Party. 

They are expected to act as a voting bloc to oppose most efforts by the Biden Administration to alter Trump Administration policies impacting the Republic of Cuba and Venezuela where the perception, if not reality, may benefit either country.

United States Senate
The Honorable Ted Cruz (R- Texas)
The Honorable Marco Rubio (R- Florida)
The Honorable Robert Menendez (D- New Jersey)

United States House of Representatives
The Honorable Albio Sires (New Jersey; D- 8th)
The Honorable Alex Mooney (West Virginia; R- 2nd)
The Honorable Anthony E. González (Ohio; R- 16th)
The Honorable Mario Díaz-Balart (Florida; R-25th)
The Honorable Carlos Gimenez (Florida; R- 26th)
The Honorable Maria Elvira Salazar (Florida; R- 27th)
The Honorable Nicole Malliotakis (New York; R- 11th)

United States Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations (Current Republican Majority)
Total Members: 19
Subcommittees (7)

Majority Members (10)
Risch, James E. (ID), Chairman
Rubio, Marco (FL)
Johnson, Ron (WI)
Romney, Mitt (UT)
Graham, Lindsey (SC)
Barrasso, John (WY)
Portman, Rob (OH)
Paul, Rand (KY)
Young, Todd (IN)
Cruz, Ted (TX)

Minority Members (9)
Menendez, Robert (NJ), Ranking Member
Cardin, Benjamin L. (MD)
Shaheen, Jeanne (NH)
Coons, Christopher A. (DE)
Murphy, Christopher (CT)
Kaine, Tim (VA)
Markey, Edward J. (MA)
Merkley, Jeff (OR)
Booker, Cory A. (NJ)

Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women's Issues

Total Members: 9
Majority Members
Rubio, Marco (FL), Chairman
Portman, Rob (OH)
Cruz, Ted (TX)
Barrasso, John (WY)
Risch, James E. (ID), Ex Officio

Minority Members
Cardin, Benjamin L. (MD), Ranking Member
Shaheen, Jeanne (NH)
Kaine, Tim (VA)
Menendez, Robert (NJ), Ex Officio